Saturday, December 1, 2012

My life update!!!

This is what I have been up to lately! Sorry I haven't blagged in forever! I have been busy! Things coming up are: Tomorrow is my 16th birthday! SOOOO excited! I had my sweet 16 last night, pics to come! (hhaha when I find them!) I Going to temple square to see the Christmas lights and see my sister (Rose) preform! Christmas! AAAHHHH!!! I am just SOOOO excited for this time of the year! :) 
Hot coco while waiting for Santa on Black Friday! 
Dance Showcase for Seniors in the Community, My awesome make up!! ;)
Playing Apples to Apples with the fam!
Rose and I had to move out of room to get the carpet cleaned. This is what it looked like. It was a mess!
Rose isn't moving back into my room, so I started making arrangements for myself! I decided no more Porcelain Dolls on the shelves. 
Here they are being wrapped up and put in boxes. It got a little emotional... 
Here they will stay in our storage room. I have 15 dolls. 
These lucky 2 got to stay out. 1. because the blue one was too big for a box(and she's one of my favs) and the ballerina, well because she's a ballerina! :) (And my newest doll)
My shelf is empty now.  
And this temporarily what my room will look like till rose takes the rest of her stuff and I have it officially to myself and I can move and arrange things how i want them! (Also, I haven't decided how I want it to look yet!)