Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Missin my daddie and lil bro-LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Like Father Like Son :)

This week my daddie and lil' bro are at scout camp. I didn't know I could miss them much! I am so proud of both of them, and I hope they know that! I want to tell you guys why I love them so much: as for my daddie, he works so hard to give me the life I have. He goes to work everyday, and works so so hard. He is adding on to our house so we have the house we have always wanted. He is, and has been as long as I can remember, a scout leader in our ward. He does so much for our ward and those scouts, it's crazy! He has helped changed the lives of so many people. I love the moments he comes in my room and just out of nowhere is looking for me just to see how my day was. Just to make sure his little girl is okay. I love my daddie so much and don't know how he does it all. I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you daddie. As for my lil' bro: Wade is so cute! (I mean handsome!) haha:) This little man is a scout at heart along with his dad. He even has a goal to have his Eagle Scout Award by the time he turns 13! (That's about 1 year, if you don't know how hard that is..wow! It's hard!) He is always working on some new project, usually with his dad and brother. He always asks to talk to me, and we have thee best talks ever! We just talk like best friends and we know everything about each other!!! We are best friends! I am so proud of this little man! He works so hard and I am so happy to call him my little bro! (He is planning on coming back from camp with something like 12 -or more- merrit badges) hahaha wow! It's amazing!! I love these two! Thanks for everything both of you! :) LOVE YOU!!!! :) 

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