Monday, August 20, 2012

OHS Here I come! :)

This is me on the first day of High School! :) Like? I think it was cute! :) And I miss all my MV friends, but I love'em anyway! :) Have a great year everyone! :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

DANCE!!!! :)


Small and Simple Memories :)

Rose and I babysat our cousins and their cousins. (6 kids under 9yrs old!) and we got to have a sleep over party!!

This is the beginning of Rose's Quilt that we had to go around every stitch:)

I went horse back riding, this is BoDean!!!

Tristen And Landen playing together. (been spending some time with these 2 boys!)

First OHS Football game of the season! (And I got my bangs cut shorter)

The best corn on the Cob I have EVER tasted!!! (From pumpkin Land) and we bought 10 dozen one day and froze it!

The middle of the quilt. It's SUPER pretty, and it's finally done! (Except for the binding) She has been working on it for about 1 year! She made each block(cut out the pattern chose the material and sewed it all together) and we helped quilt it all together! Took a few days and our fingers hurt. ;)

This is Miriah. I got to ride him. And I didn't get a pic. of Miss. Piggie, but she's a pony and I got to help break her. (Train her to ride without a lead rope.) She listens to me better then others. :) And when my aunt gets back from her vacation my dad wants to take me out there as much as possible to be with the horses. :)  
This is what I have been up to lately... :) (And Probably the best time of my whole summer!) It was soooo much fun! I loved it! :) Can't believe school is starting for me on MONDAY!!! haha :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Rose forgot to see how many cookies each batch made so we doubled it, then realized that one batch alone makes 6 dozen. sooo we made a grad total of: 232 cookies!!!!! (not quite 12 dozen;we made them a little bit bigger then they are supposed to be.) That's a TON of cookies :) Hope we eat fast ;)

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I need to blog! Sorry it's been so crazy! Many many apologies:) I will update you all soon! :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Scout camps, memories, reunnions, and knee probs

So update on my life would be: My friends and Family keep going out of town for scout camps or just camping in general. I am having a hard time keeping track of where everyone is! ;) I am feeling memories from when my friends passed away, because my sister's best friend (Emily Austin) passed away yesterday morning. She was fighting Leukemia, and since my family knows the effects of that cancer, I feel especially sorry for Rose, but I am thankful that God took er home, and she is no longer in pain. Keep her family in your prayers please. Today I get to see all of my techies from last year and I am so excited!!! I miss them so much! Finally, I am having knee problems again, so I have to continue knee therapy and I am wearing wraps and knee braces. I am getting nervous because my dance season is starting soon and I don't want to deal with another injury this dance season. Hahaha :) Anyway, that's pretty much my life!! Loves, Samantha <3