Sunday, June 15, 2014

To All The Dear Fathers

He is our Father.
I have many things I would like to share this week, but seeing as it is Father's day I would like to share with you my thoughts and feelings about our Father's. I do want to say, this post will not be as long as the one I wrote for Moms on Mother's day. I feel as if I speak about fathers/adult males in our life a lot so hopefully this isn't too long and repetitive.

I want to start out with an experience that happened to me this week. This past week I had the opportunity to go with my stake on a pioneer trek! This was not an easy experience, but it was so worth it! I grew so much and learned so much in a short 3 days. One of the things that I learned was the love of my parents. (They got to be pioneer ma's and pa's.) One morning, the morning of the "women's pull, my dad shared a thought about our fathers and how much they love us and sacrifice for us. He reminded us that he loves us very much and that he is always there for us. This didn't hit me until I was going through the "women's pull". This is where the men in the group must stop pulling the handcart and let the women do it alone. This is usually a very hard part of the trail. We do this to help us see what it would have been like if our fathers and brothers had died or gone to fight in the war, leaving only the women to travel the hard and perilous trail here to Utah. When we got to this part of the trail, we were asked to not talk, and the young men and fathers were asked to walk on the other side of the trail. They had come earlier in the day to plow this part of the trail so that the dirt/sand was very loose and there was incline. We had to go around a corner as well. This was very hard for the women. It is an experience that is hard to explain in words. When we got to the part where the fathers and young men could join us again, my dad came and took hold of the handcart. I kept trying to help pull, feeling like it was still my job to help, but my dad could tell I was tired and hurting. My dad then looked at me and said: "Samantha, it's okay I got this. You can rest. I will pull for you." When my dad looked at me and said this to me, tears were brought to my eyes. I knew right then how much my dad loves me. My dad was tired too, but he loves me and my other family members enough to tell us all: "It's okay, I will pull this load for you." How true is it that our father's not only are willing to pull our "trek handcart loads" but our life's loads as well. They are willing to drop things that they are doing to help us and make our life's easier and more bearable too.

Even when our dads can't physically take our burdens away from us, they "pull" for us on the side-lines. Along with our amazing mothers, our fathers are our biggest "cheerleaders." They love us so much and would do anything for us.

I wish to take a moment and talk about our Heavenly Father. Of all the names He could have chosen to be known by or called, the one He wants us to call Him and know Him by is: Father. How precious this knowledge is; that He loves us so much that He wants us to be able to remember that we literally are His children and we call Him our Father.

To those of you who do not have a father currently in your presence, or who wish they were fathers but that time has not yet come for you: Do not doubt or worry. Your time will come soon. The Lord works on a different time table than we do, trust that your day will come to be a father, even if you cannot be a father to a biological child: you can be a father. If you are not married: you can still be a father figure in a child's life. There is probably now, or will be soon, a child that looks up to you and needs your influence in his/her life. I know it is not easy to not have a child of your own, but your day will come. Do not loose hope or trust in your Father in Heaven. If you have lost your father, if your father cannot be with you physically for any earthly reason: Trust in your Heavenly Father. You will see your father again. Families are forever. Heavenly Father knows what He is doing, and He will send you a spirit of comfort and love to watch and protect you, especially during your times of trail and sorrow. You father is not far. He still loves you. He still watches over you. He is not lost or gone. He is proud of you. You are still his child. Do not loose hope. I know that today is not an easy day for you: but I do know that your father wants you to be happy, even if you cannot be together physically today. His spirit is with you always. Do not give up, do not loose hope, do not doubt Heavenly Father's plan for you and your father.

I want to share with you this video that talks about fathers and everything that they do for each of us. Click Here for watch this short video.

I just want to wrap up by saying thank you to every man who has been a "father figure" in my life, whether you are an uncle, close friend, grandpa, etc. I want to thank 4 men specifically for their influence and example in my life.
1. My uncle Jeff. You are the reason I started dancing. You told me to follow my dreams. Thank you for helping me want to be a better person and for helping me have a desire to follow Christ. You are one of my best friends and I know I can always count on you. I love you!
2. My uncle Jeremy. Now you watch me from Heaven, but I cannot ever thank you enough for setting such a great example for me. You have some of the most amazing kids ever and I know it's because you are such an amazing dad and have left such an amazing legacy. I will never forget you and the love and care you showered on us. Thanks for always being my "Tickle Monster". I love you.
3. My Grandpa Holt. Grandpa's are great dads with a little more experience right? Well in that case, you must have been the most amazing dad ever. You are such an amazing example to me of what I want when I am older. You have taught me lots of life lessons. We go fishing in the summer, and we have BBQs too. You are a wonderful cook and you love everyone no matter what. I love you too Gramps!!
4. (Last but certainly not least) MY DADDY!! Dad, I just want you to know that I love you so much. You set the prime example of what kind of husband I want someday and what kind of father I want for my own children. You are the most hard working and skilled man I know. Mom is sure lucky to have you. I could never ask for anything more. I know that I am pain sometimes, but at the end of the day you still wrap your arms around me and tell me you love me. I am so blessed that no matter where you go or how long you have been gone, that you always return with honor and you remain worthy to do the Lord's work at any moment you may be asked. You being a worthy priesthood holder has changed and blessed my life from day one. Dad you have such a special spirit and I love you. I don't know how you do all you do, but I do know that no matter what you do you always give it your very best and you do all things with passion. You have been a major, major key to my success and helping me learn and grow in the gospel. You and mom are my best friends and I know I can always count on you. I am so thankful for you dad. Words cannot describe the relationship I have with you. I will never forget those nights when I would ask you to sing me to sleep and you did it every time! I will always be your little girl, and you will always be my best friend. I know I can always count on you. I love you daddy. Happy Father's Day!

In closing I just want to say: I know that the church is true. I love it and I know that it is because of the church and my Father in Heaven that I have the family and the Father I have today. I know that each of us has a plan for us specifically and that if we choose to follow Heavenly Father we will blessed and we will be able to be the best we can be. I love you all. Happy Father's Day to every dad out there!

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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