Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Holy Ghost

Always listen and act quickly! 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This video made me realize the significance of listening to The Holy Ghost and I wanted to share it with you today along with my testimony. Video link

I just want to share my testimony that I know that the power of the Holy Ghost is real. He does in fact speak to us. I know that He can be with us always if we choose the right. I know that He does in fact do everything He can to whisper to us words of knowledge, warning, and peace- but we must listen. I also know that we must be the ones to act on the things He tells us. If we hear the voice of the Spirit speaking to us we must never postpone that prompting. We must act immediately. If we do not, bad things can happen for our Spirit and/or bodies. I know that Heavenly Father has sent The Spirit to be with us so that He (the Spirit) can help us return to our Father In Heaven. He is our helper in this life to get us back home to our Father. I know we need to listen to His small, quiet whisperings. He will not yell at us, we must seek Him, and listen carefully to His voice at any given moment, and we must ACT quickly. I just want to bear testimony that I know from experience that The Holy Ghost will strengthen us if we will let Him in our hearts to teach us and guide us. Please brothers and sisters- never postpone a prompting! When the Spirit speaks to us, the Lord is speaking to us. When the Lord speaks- listen, and go and do as He asks quickly. I know if we do, we will live with no regrets. We must follow the Lord 100%. I know these things are true.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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