Sunday, August 30, 2015

The People Shall Flow Unto The Temple

"Flow unto the temple"

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today I want to share with you a message about something that is becoming more and more dear to my heart. I want to share with you, as the title states, about temples!

As those of you who diligently read my blog know, I am planning on serving an LDS full time mission! In way of preparing for that special event in my life, I have been taking five gospel classes (institute classes) to help me be ready to teach the gospel. When you go on an LDS mission, you first have to go to an LDS temple, of your choosing, and do something called endowments. (I would explain what this is- but I'm not quite sure how as I have not done this yet in my life. All I know is that it is a very special and beautiful experience where you get to make special promises with Heavenly Father.) In way of preparing for this very exciting and sacred experience I have decided that I am going to attend an LDS temple at least once a week to do baptisms for the dead! I want to do this so that when it is time for me to attend the temple for my endowments, Heavenly Father knows I love His house and I want to be like Him. As those of you know- this is no easy task. Satan doesn't want you to attend the temple because when you go to the temple, you are more in tune with the Spirit and it makes it harder for him to tempt you. He will do everything he can to make it seem like going to the temple isn't important or you're too busy. But this is the plan I have chosen! I am going at least once a week no matter what! So here's my story:

This week I wanted to attend the temple earlier in the week because I was going out of town on the weekend. I decided the best time to go would be at 5:30 am when the temple opens. I tired three times to go, all attempts resulting in "failure." I would wake up feeling sick or too tired, so I stayed home. Friday (the day I was leaving) came around, and again I didn't get to the temple at 5:30 am. When I got up at 8 am, I felt it was okay if I didn't go- I was going out of town and had a lot to get done before I left. "Heavenly Father will understand." I thought to myself. Then as I prayed that morning I felt I had to be at the temple that morning. "I made choices that are based on me living at home so I could be closer to the temple. If I start missing a week of temple attendance now it's going to be easier to skip out later. I have to go." I told myself. Quickly I got my Sunday best on and went up to ask my mom to drive me to the temple. Graciously my sweet mom said she would take me to the temple.

As my mom dropped me off and I walked in the doors of the temple I felt relief pour over me. All my worries and fears were left at the door and I was now in the Lord's holy house. I was in a safe place. A place of love, peace, answers, and spiritual power. I was at home with my Father in Heaven. As I went through the process of doing baptisms for the dead I was reminded of the power of the temple. The peace that is felt there and the closeness you can feel to our Heavenly Father there.

When I came out of the temple I found I had some time to walk the grounds and reflect upon the beauty of the temple and my Heavenly Father's plan for me. I didn't really have a question in my mind that I was searching to find answers for, but I did have a lot on my mind concerning preparation for a mission and how I was going to do everything I'd be asked to do. As I walked around the temple I found myself sitting on the benches behind the temple in a garden area. I found myself alone so I decided to pray. I talked with my Father in Heaven like He was sitting by my side, because I knew He was. I knew He was listening. I talked with Him about my life- my plan- and of course: the mission. I told Him my concerns and I told Him my desires to serve Him. I asked for His divine help.
Suddenly I remembered a hymn that was life changing for me. (I'll go where you want me to go Hymn no. 270) As I pondered I sang this hymn to myself in the beauty of the temple gardens- remembering the significance of this hymn in my life.

As I finished up I heard some people coming so I decided to leave the gardens and finish my walk around the temple. As I came around to the front of the temple I saw a line of cars and people walking to the temple. This made me feel joy inside. Suddenly I recalled a scripture from years ago in seminary. It is found in Micah chapter 4 verses 1&2 and it reads:
"But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."

I was overcome with confirmation that being at the temple at that time was the right thing. Making the choices I have made, to be where I am and to be preparing for a mission right now is what I need to be doing. I needed to do the work I was doing inside the walls of the temple. Heavenly Father could see that I would also need extra strength to resist temptations- extra strength I would receive only by going to the temple that morning.

These days truly are the "last days" that the scriptures refer too. People truly are flowing to the Mountain of The Lord. (The Temple) And the time for me to be going on a mission and proclaiming His word is now. The word of the Lord truly is going out to all the nations.

Brothers and Sisters the time is now. I have found this for myself. We cannot wait till tomorrow to prepare to meet God. Today is the day. Today is the day to go to the temple. Today is the day to teach His word and do His work. We cannot keep saying: "I'll do that tomorrow." For that is exactly what Satan wants us to do. He wants us to think it's not possible right now, or it's too hard. Well Brothers and Sisters I am here to tell you sometimes it will be hard. But Christ died for you so that you may live for all eternity with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. It was excruciatingly hard- but because He loves you with an unconditional love: He did it. What are you doing to repay that price- no matter how hard it may be?

I want to share in closing this video: Temples Are a Beacon

This man worked and paid all he had to take his family to the temple. He knew the price and he was willing to work all he could give so he could be with his family forever- so he could be in the Lord's house: the holy temple. Brothers and Sisters I ask you: what price are you paying to go to the temple?

If you live in Utah like me- you have no excuse at all. You could go to multiple temples within a matter of a few minutes. You have no excuse not to be attending the temple at least once a month. If you do not currently hold a temple recommend, or you are not worthy to enter the temple at this present time: please do everything you can to get that worthy temple recommend and get to the temple. As for now however- go to the temple grounds. Feel the love and peace there. It is a dedicated place of worship. Spend some time walking the grounds and pondering. I have had times in my life where this was all I could do too- and it changed my life. Some of my most crucial times of decision were made in times I went to the temple grounds to ponder. If you aren't old enough to go inside, or you have to wait for other personal reasons: go to the temple grounds and ponder. Prepare now to go inside someday. That someday will be here faster than you know. Heavenly Father will see your righteous desires and He will bless you immensely for this. I testify that if we will MAKE the time to be in the Lord's house doing His work we will be blessed in ways we cannot even imagine. I testify of the peace and love that is felt inside the walls of the temple. I testify that temples are truly His house. That they are truly beacons of light and hope and nations are truly flowing unto the temple. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this true. I beg you to attend the temple. Alone or with family and friends. I know this is true. I know the power of the temple is real. I have seen it change lives and I see it changing mine. Go to the temple, not once- but as much as you possibly can. I know you will be blessed. This I leave with you in the humble name of our Savior and Redeeming Lord- Even Jesus Christ, Amen


1 comment:

Shauna said...

What a great reminder of the importance of temples. Thanks!