Sunday, September 20, 2015

Coming Up!

"The greatest blessings come after the Conference is over. We gather to hear the voice of The Lord, then return to our homes to live them." -Elder Robert D. Hales 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This week I would like to share some things that are coming up that are very important in my life- and how we can prepare for such things.

First- this is mostly an update for those who don't know yet: I will be having my final interview for my mission papers this Tuesday so I will be submitting my papers on WEDNESDAY!!! I am so excited! (Please pray all goes well and that I will really be able to submit them this time! Thank you!)

2. This is what I would like to share about today! LDS General Conference is coming up!! Oh boy am I excited or what?! I've even requested the weekend off of work! It's gonna be AMAZING!

For those of you who don't know: General Conference is a "series" of special meetings for the LDS members where we gather -every 6 months- to hear the voice of The Lord through His chosen Prophet and Apostles. It is held in SLC Utah and broadcast throughout the world via satellite. There are 4 two hour meetings open to everyone of all ages, then there is a Women's meeting and a Priesthood meeting. (Both men's and women's sessions are available to hear by anyone after the conference via If anyone would like more information on these conferences and how to participate in your own home or with family and friends, click here

I would like to remind you about how important, not only the actual conference is, but the preparation, and action after are as well. Let's start with these videos:
Find Answers To Questions
Seek Receive Act

I want you now to think of some questions you have for The Lord. Think about you life- what have you been struggling with? What has been on your mind a lot recently? What would you have Heavenly Father tell you right now? I want to invite you to start praying about these questions and inquiries. Ask Heavenly Father to help you hear His words for you so that you may change as He needs you too. Here is the key though: you must listen with sincere intent and a desire to learn as the Apostles of The Lord speak to us in the coming weeks. Then you must ACT! There is no good in hearing His divine word and His divine direction for you if you are not willing to act on His council. No- it may not be easy: but it will be worth it.

To close, watch this video about how Ryan changed His life after Conference. Revelation
Sometimes it may just be the small simple things you need to fix- with dedication you will change and Heavenly Father will use you as His instrument to do His divine work. You will come closer to Him and His Son, and you will be happier. So: What will you do with Conference?

I testify that we have living a living Prophet- Thomas S. Monson, on the earth today. I testify that we have living apostles on the earth today. God has not stopped talking to us. We are literally His children- He loves us. Why would He leave us here on earth without a means of speaking to us? I know that He speaks to us still. Will you be listening??
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Love, Samantha

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Thanks for the great reminder of the upcoming Generall Conference and how to prepare for it! I am also looking forward to it!