Sunday, September 13, 2015

Little Life Lessons From On High

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lately I have been learning a lot about what it is going to take to be a full time missionary for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. As I have been doing this Heavenly Father is teaching me simple- yet very important and profound lessons that will help me not only on my mission preparation, and service: but also in my life. My message this week is about one of those lessons.

Completing mission papers- for any prospective missionary, can be quite a hassle, even without unforeseen problems. I didn't expect to have problems with my papers, as I know that I am quite healthy and ready for a mission. However- I have seen some delays, and boy were those delays faith testing for me. I can truly testify from recent experiences that The Lord truly does have a plan for each of us and His timing is certainly not our timing- but His is perfect and we have to trust Him.

So- my experience is as follows:
I finished my portion of the mission papers, had my meeting with my bishop and walked away with some new information about the whole mission papers process that sort of put a kink in my time line. You see, in my interview I was told that prospective missionaries are being asked to have an evaluation with a therapist to determine if you have any problems with depression, anxiety, etc. (Things that would keep you from being successful in the mission field.) At first I thought: "Okay no big deal, I'll get my appointment with LDS family services tomorrow and have my evaluation later in the week. We will be only be a few days delayed if at all. It's okay. No biggie."
Well, the next day I called and got my appointment: except for apparently it's almost impossible to get an appointment any sooner than a month out. I got lucky and only had to wait 2 weeks. But still that put me behind schedule: so instant bad attitude about the whole thing.

Along comes my appointment, everything goes fantastic! I'm feeling great, the therapist I met with even told me that there were no problems and that we wouldn't need further meetings: I was clear to go! I was on cloud nine. Finally! I could submit my papers! It was only Thursday, so the guy could write my evaluation that night or Friday morning and send them to my bishop and then I could have my last interviews Sunday or Tuesday. Great! Well, that's not what happened. Come to find out: it takes 1 to 2 weeks for them to write your evaluation and send it to the proper people. Are you kidding me?! I had a time line people. Work with me! So I started praying even harder that my evaluation would hurry and get written up and sent to my bishop so that I could submit and find out where I was going on my mission because I wanted to know right now!

Well the days start ticking by, and I'm just waiting around being concerned about only "my" timeline. (Very selfish I know..) Then on Thursday- one week after my evaluation, I was sitting in my institute classes. I had just had a conversation with my best friend the night before about how frustrated I was and how I "knew I had to be patient because obviously the Lord was trying to 'teach me a lesson'". Then in all 3 of my classes guess what the subject was? Yup you're right! It's all about being patient. From Mission Prep class: "Patience is a manifestation of our faith and trust in God."
From Foundations Of The Restoration class: "Don't run faster than you have strength just because it's a good cause."
From Book Of Mormon class: "Press forward with Faith" and "Don't be distracted or deceived."

Finally leaving my last class- I had a pit in my stomach. "Okay I get it Heavenly Father.. I need to really be patient, and not just say 'I'm being patient.' I understand those are two separate things." Getting in the car to go home, I pondered class and what my next step of action would be. I went to the temple with my best friend that night and continued to ponder. Upon arriving home, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to seek my Father's forgiveness and His divine help in prayer. So to my room I went. I apologized and acknowledged that the "flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing." I asked Heavenly Father to help me be patient, and for the first time I honestly told my Father in Heaven that I knew my timeline was not perfect and I knew that His was- and if I was to wait longer than I had hoped to receive my mission call: that if that was His timing I was okay with it. That I'd refocus on preparing to go on my mission the best I could and that I would wait until He knew I was ready.

The next afternoon I was sitting watching a movie with my mom while we had lunch. I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize and guess who it was?! It was the therapist telling me my papers had been sent to the proper people and that the next step was my last interview! Humbled and overjoyed I told my mom the good news. Then excusing myself to my room I prayed with great joy a prayer of thanks. When The Lord had seen that I had truly submitted my will to His, He was willing to give me what it was that I had been praying so hard for.

To wrap up, I want to share with you this video: Continue In Patience

I just want to end saying: although all our prayers might not be answered as quickly as we had hoped, even after we submit our will to His, I know that the Lord's timing is perfect. I know that He will bless us with what we desire (as long as that desire is what He sees best for us) in HIS time. Not ours. I know that if we render patience we will be blessed. I know that no matter where I serve my mission for The Church it will be the best mission for me. It will be where I am needed. It will be the best thing I've ever done and I know that I will love the people I am called to serve. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve my Father and my Elder Brother. I am so eternally thankful for the gospel and I testify of its truthfulness:
In the name of Jesus Christ,



Anonymous said...

Samantha I know for a fact that you are going to be an amazing missionary! You are so full of the spirit and I have seen you help so many people and help yourself get closer to god. Thank you so much for this post!

Shauna said...

As always, your post is amazing. I have been reading a book that talks about God's plan for us is perfect and so is his timing. It is hard for me sometimes to accept the timing - which is where patience comes in. Thanks for your reminder!