Sunday, November 29, 2015

It's Coming!!

What will you do for Him this Christmas??
Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

Only 25 more days! It's almost here! Can you guess?! For those of you who are Christmas fanatics like myself- you know: CHRISTMAS IS IN 25 DAYS! (Christmas Eve) What are you doing to prepare for this special day? What does this day mean to you? 

For me, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Why do I love it so much? With all the shoppers, the traffic, the hustle and bustle, the snow, the traditions, the work, the long hours of cooking, etc. Why do I love Christmas so much? Because my Savior was born. 

Click here to discover "Why We Need a Savior".
1- Watch the 2 minute video called "A Savior is Born" 
2- Watch the 2 minute video called "Imagine a World Without a Savior" 
3- Explore the website! 

Think about what you can do this Christmas to make it a little more special, heartfelt, and for the Savior than you did last year. No Christmas is not about the getting things, it's not about spending money, it's not about Santa Clause- Christmas is about giving, it's about helping and serving, it's about being with those you love and hold most dear, and most importantly: it's about the Savior. What will you do to make it about Him this year?

I just want to leave you with my testimony that I know that a Savior was born more than two thousand years ago in a little village called Bethlehem. I know that He was sent by our Heavenly Father to earth to live and die for us. This Savior is Jesus Christ- our elder Brother, and advocate with the Father. He suffered for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane and He was raised on the cross on Calvary's Hill for our sake. He was buried in the tomb and rose again on the third day. I testify that He lives again. I testify of His love for you, me, and every single person that lives, has lived, and ever will live. He knows every single one of us personally and individually. He took your life individually and suffered for you individually. There is nothing you will ever encounter that He has not yet been through for you. He walked your life in your shoes so you will never ever be alone. Because of Him- you can be forgiven, and you can return to be with Him and our Heavenly Father and Mother for eternity if you choose Him. I know these things are true. I beg you to find out for yourself these truths. He will make it manifest unto you, as He continues to do for me, I so testify, In the name of Jesus Christ. 


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