Sunday, December 27, 2015

Farewell Talk

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today was a big day for my family and I. Today I got to deliver my farewell talk before I leave on my full time mission to Cleveland Ohio. My theme for my talk was : "Member missionary work."

I know that a lot of you that read this were already there, but I wanted to share what I said for those of you who didn't get to be there! Here is the file: farewell talk

I love you all so much! If you have any questions for me before I leave please shoot me an email or leave an anonymous comment and I'll reply! Thank you each of you for all of your support and love. I couldn't have gotten here without you and your example and love. Every single one of you is amazing. I know Heavenly Father loves you and He will bless and guide you as you choose to follow Him.

In the name of Jesus Christ,
Amen farewell talk



jjlove said...

You did so great today! You speak from the heart and I know you will reach so many people in Ohio with your testimony and the great person you are. Love ya!

Shauna said...

You did a great job on your talk today! You will be a great missionary and a blessing to those you serve with and those you meet! You are amazing!! Love you!!!