Sunday, December 13, 2015

Something Short

You have to open the door. Trust Him. He loves you.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Power of Hope & Comfort in Trials are two videos that helped me in difficult times. I hope they can help you too.

These past few days have been especially emotional for me, as will the weeks leading up to my departure for my mission. I have been feeling very inadequate and unprepared to leave, and having desires to stay home. But every single time The Lord graciously reminds me that He needs me out there in Cleveland and that I am enough and I do know enough. Every single time He answers my spoken and unspoken prayers. He rescues my wandering heart; He carries me through every storm I cannot stand on my own. He is my Savior and I love Him.

Today I chose to share these videos to remind you this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Christ is knocking at the door and all you have to do is let Him in. All you have to do is have faith in Him and patience in His timing for you and for others.

I want you to know that I know that My Heavenly Father lives and that He knows me and loves me personally. I know that He sent His son, my Elder Brother and Savior Jesus Christ, to live and die for me. I know that the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and it can cleanse and heal every wound and help strengthen anyone who may be struggling with anything weather it be big or small. Everything any of us face, we face with the Savior. He walked our paths personally when He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane. There is not one thing in this whole world that He did not face before you did, and He did it all for you. Because He loves you. I promise you that. I know that no matter what is going on, it will all work out; it will all be okay because He lives. Stay close to Him, listen to His Spirit- He will never mislead you.

I want to leave you with this, my testimony of the Savior and His divine role and purpose in our lives.
In the name of Jesus Christ,



Shauna said...

You will be a great missionary and blessing to the people in Cleveland!

jjlove said...

Great message-especially for this week :)