Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hard Times Laced With Tender Mercies

These are my Tender Mercies. I believe this picture describes how I felt this week, and the past few weeks, as I push through challenges with Him by my side. 
What a week. I feel like it's been ages since I've written to all of you! This week has been full of lots of learning! So let's get started!

Monday- I was supposed to go to the temple- but I woke up with chest pain, a really bad head ache, and I was dizzy. I recall being dizzy all night and having difficulty sleeping as well. I got some medicine, talked to my mom and we decided that it was time to go to the doctor again.
Later that day, I went to the doctor, not sure what would happen. Well turns out they wanted to take my blood so they could run tests and see if there was anything wrong there- because if there were abnormal levels they would find it there. I thought "oh yeah, a finger prick. I can handle that..." yeah they needed to draw blood, 4 viles worth.. Let's just say I had a really bad experience the last time my blood was taken so I was not happy at all about this. As soon as the doctor went to get the nurse to help, I started crying. I was not about to have a panic attack in the doctor's office so I said a prayer. "Heavenly Father please help me do this". It was as simple as that- but I knew I needed His help. Soon they were drawing my blood and it hurt bad, I was crying my eyes out, and I don't bleed easy so it felt like hours, but I knew it was okay. The nurses sweet encouraging words and my mom's soft stroking on my arm calmed me down enough that they got the blood. As soon as I felt better we were able to leave and now it was the waiting game. 5-7 days before we would know anything.

Tuesday- I was able to go to my new job! I was able to clean and have time to myself to think while cleaning. My sweet boss/aunt decided she would buy lunch for the office that day- and guess what?! They chose one of my favorite places EVER: Kneaders!!! And she said I could have a peach smoothie which is pretty much Heaven to me. It was soo sweet of her. And I felt good that day. I had finally got something accomplished!

Wednesday- I'm pretty sure I stayed home and spent time with mom! Which is always awesome because I love being with my mom and working and shopping with her.
Also 2 of my friends entered the MTC and started their missions! I'm so proud of them!

Thursday- Mom and I went to the store and got stuff for my room (which- if you remember- we are remodeling!) We were going to paint the ceiling and closet white today... but then the water line had other plans for us. Mom and I were getting ready to paint, I would be in the closet so I got down on my hands and knees to check things out and make sure we didn't miss any holes that might need patching, when I noticed some weird discoloring. I asked my mom if it looked like water damage. She came and looked with me, feeling the sheet rock, noticing it felt a little soft. Mom decided we needed to rip up the carpet, so we did and found the padding under the carpet was holding moisture! Right as I looked up, to the main pipe, I saw it drip water. I told my mom and she felt it: it was wet. Thinking maybe it wasn't shut off all the way we decided that we would turn it so it'd be tighter: except for that made the tiny drip a constant stream! So I ran up the stairs and got little bowls so we could catch the water. I started calling my grandpa and my uncle- who are plumbers. We got them to help us figure it out and we got it to stop. We had to rip the sheet rock out and dry out water but we fixed it! All I can say is even though it didn't go exactly as we had planned and now we had more to fix, I'm soooo glad we found it when we did so that it didn't cause more problems down the road. It was definitely a tender mercy! (and a good learning experience!)

Friday- I was able to go out on a date with my best friend! And while I was out my mom and sister painted the ceiling and closet of my room. It was so sweet of them to do that for me! Also, I got a call from the doctor's office: everything was normal!!! Which was a HUGE blessing! Now the doctor (not to mention my family and I) knew nothing was seriously wrong: we just have to figure out how to tackle this head ache!

Saturday: I had the opportunity to watch my younger brother play in his basketball game- which they won! I love watching my siblings do what they love. It makes me so happy and I know it means something to them that I am there. I used to be the one they went to watch perform back when I danced.
Also, we did A LOT of work on my new room!! My best friend came to help which made it that much more enjoyable! We moved out my huge desk, ripped out carpet, and painted walls, which doesn't sound like a lot to those of you who haven't done that, but if you have done it you know it was a lot! But it was an awesome experience to watch my Best friend watch my dad and learn from him. I loved working side by side with my parents, siblings and best friend. We learned a lot together.

Sunday- I was able to go to church and feel the Spirit. I love Sundays!! We had a guest teacher today in our 3rd hour meeting: Sylvia Allan. She teaches about scripture study. I remember way back when I was beehive, about 6 years ago, she came and taught all the youth in a youth activity about how we can better study the scriptures and come closer the Savior. I did not want to go to that activity, but I am so thankful I did because she changed my life. That night I remember taking notes, that I still have in my scriptures, notes that changed my life, and helped instill in me the love I have for reading the scriptures. Well today I needed that lesson again.
Since returning home I have felt I didn't need to study my scriptures anymore. I was sort of mad about reading them. I had done everything right: I had prepared, I had studied, I had repented, I had given everything up to go on a mission, and I came home after just five days. Why would I need to study my scriptures now? Last time I did that I just "failed." THIS IS NOT TRUE. and I know that now. My sweet mom and best friend encouraged me every day to read my scriptures. "You need them" they would tell me. "You love them."  Well I would read them, but only to say I did, and it was only 1-5 verses. This was not enough.
Heavenly Father really knows how to set things up. Over the past few days I have felt different. I have wanted something more. Now, I know I wanted my scriptures, I wanted to feast on them and learn from on high. The past few days my best friend has been bringing up spiritual conversations. He would ask my view on different gospel topics, and he would share his view and he'd share his testimony. I felt different during these conversations and I wanted them more. I just wanted to sit and talk forever and learn with him about these things.
Then today Sylvia came and taught me again. I can have those learning experiences every single day, just me and my Heavenly Father. Every single day He is waiting for me to come to my personal "appointment" with Him; and I need to show up. I need to give Him my best hour and make that time for Him, so I can hear and be taught what He needs me to know that day. If I don't show up, I won't learn that day and I won't be any better than I was the day before. I need to meet those "appointments" and really be present not just "go" to say I went.
My life was changed today. I am happier right now. I was unhappy all because of one simple mistake- I decided I didn't need the scriptures anymore. EVERYONE! YOU NEED THE SCRIPTURES!!! Not one single person is the exception to this. You need Him, and He needs you. I promise you this. Don't miss your daily appointment to learn with The Savior. Your life will change I promise you that, and you will love that change.

I know on this blog I am sharing the good things that happened to me during the week, but let me reassure you: that does NOT mean my weak was easy: it was not. Every single day I have to wake up and decide to face the world. That alone is a challenge. I have to focus on others or else I start to think things that aren't true about myself. Serving others and learning to be truly selfless is the only way I can figure out how to be happy. (and it makes them happy too so it's a win win!) Then I have to decide to be happy, and some days that is the hardest thing I do during the day, is choose happiness and keep it. Satan is trying SO stinking hard right now to get me down, to get me depressed, to get me to feel sorry for myself, to get me to focus on problems, etc. He wants me to quit. I, however, do not want to quit, and nor will I. This does not mean I am going back to the mission field, so please stop assuming I am. The Lord sent me home for a reason: so I'm here and I trust Him and I know this is where I am to be- but that doesn't mean I'm not a missionary at home: I am. I still have desires to serve and trust me I am figuring out more every day how to do that at HOME. Just because I'm not on a full time mission does not mean I am any less than someone who is. And it most certainly does not mean that I am loved less or than I love Him less than others who are on a full time mission. So please do not ever assume that about me or others who aren't out serving.
Every day I have to choose. Things that I didn't think would be that big of a deal, but now they are. But I keep choosing HIM. And I beg you to keep choosing HIM with me. Every second of every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year that turns into our life we make choices, and you will have to answer someday, as will I, Did I make the right choices? Did I do the BEST I could do? There is always good, there is always better, and there is always YOUR best. No one else's best: just YOUR best. And that's all The Lord asks of you: is YOUR best, not your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters, your friends, just YOURS. That's all He cares about, and if you give Him that, you will stand blameless before Him at the last day and He will say "Well done my good and faithful servant. I love you. Welcome home."

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Here is Sylvia Allan's blog if you want to read her story and her scripture lessons!

Pictures from the week!
This is our water stream! All fixed now!

Wade- my little bro decided to help mud the walls and I think he got more on his face than on the wall. ;)

Me and my best friend painting! 

Me and my little sister painting with my dad and best friend in the background painting! 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Small Victories and Challenges

I can do hard things. 
Well Friends,
As I said last week, I am changing the way this blog works. It is going to be a lot more my story and a lot lesson like. Here is my story this week!

Whew a lot of things have happened this week! It was a crazy week, full of small, but great victories and also many challenges. I honestly don't even know where to start. So I will just share the things that I wrote down. I've made it a goal that because I am going through a hard time I want to do all I can do to count my blessings. And share those Tender Mercies with others, like on my blog, so hopefully it will help someone else find strength in their journey!

On Tuesday, my best friend's aunt told me I could help her out at her office- small little things to keep me busy and help me learn. Which was huge for me, because right now I am trying so hard to stay busy so I don't do nothing and get depressed because right now: that is one of our main goals- to keep me from getting depressed.

On Wednesday I had a meeting with my Councilor. It went really well. We get along and when I talk I figure things out and I feel better. Things start to make sense for a moment. Right now I hold onto my counseling because things make sense for a little while, and I feel better. Which is really weird because I always thought counseling was weird: but people- if you need counseling, find a good councilor and GO! I cannot express how much it helps. And I'm 19.. the last thing I thought I'd be doing right now is counseling, but I LOVE IT! GO if you need it. Don't be ashamed, more people than you think have councilors.
Also on Wednesday I got the book "More Than the Tattooed Mormon" by Al Carraway. I LOVE HER! She has inspired me so much. I've been wanting to read her book since it came out but I was so focused on my mission prep materials that I pushed it aside, but when I came home it seemed like the perfect time to read. And oh boy! She is helping me in more ways than ever! Here are a few things I've learned from the first few chapters of her book:
-Work hard and just make things happen.
- Am I recognizing the Spirit in my life, or am I taking it for granted?
- The Spirit works by small means. and I mean small and very simple.
- If we just try, we become better.
- Transformation comes from the act of trying. (it's all about just trying and doing your best with this girl! and it gets you so many places. The Lord does not ask us to be perfect, He just wants us to be perfectly trying! It's about effort not perfection)
-The gospel is not easy. It just makes hard things in life easier. (I'll let you figure out what that means for you. Hard times are doable and there is a reason for it.)
- Promptings from the Spirit are not logical. They are Spiritual.
- The more you act and serve the more your "why" questions will disappear. Your desires will be in line with His.
- Hard times will consistently be there, but so will Christ!
- True happiness only comes from the gospel.
- I know who I've chosen to follow, so why am I questioning it now?
- Scriptures truly do heal a hurting heart and a wondering soul. (Ain't that the truth?! I learned that a few times this week!)
- Tell Heavenly Father EVERY thing. Work that desire of faith, and your faith will grow.
- Choose God.
- The only thing more consist than the storms of life is the LIGHT OF CHRIST!
- If we stick with God we will walk away unharmed even in the worst of worst.
- Always be guided by God and give thanks.
- He will not just make hurts in life right, but He will make them better.
- Hard times are moving you closer to where God needs you to be.
- Fear not. Forget not whose hands you are in.
- Don't let anything get in the way- especially your trials.
- Choosing God is choosing happiness. and choosing happiness is choosing GOD!
- We must constantly be striving for more light and knowledge from God.
- Satan and God have one thing in common: They both desire to have us. The choice is ours of who will win our eternity.
- Giving up is never an option. Christ is our only option.
- The best thing to do is obey God.

Okay I said a few lessons, but here are a lot! And that's only the first 6 chapters!! This book is loaded, and I LOVE it! So that was a huge blessing for me to get that on Wednesday. It helps me so much! It's like Al and I are having a great conversation and she's helping me. It's like having another friend who understands that things don't always go as planned and we need to choose God. I love it!

On Thursday, I had a rough day. I was about to go to bed, but after prayer I knew Heavenly Father needed me to open my scriptures and learn something that night, so reluctantly I opened my scriptures asking Heavenly Father that if I needed to learn something that night to help me open up to it. So I opened my scriptures to 2 Nephi 10. My eyes were drawn to a part that I had marked previously. It was verses 22-25. (Emphasis added: 22 For behold, the Lord God has led away from time to time from the house of Israel, according to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all them who have been broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also. 23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life. 24 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved. 25 Wherefore, may God raise you from death by the power of the resurrection, and also from everlasting death by the power of the atonement, that ye may be received into the eternal kingdom of God, that ye may praise him through grace divine. Amen )
This is what stood out to me:
- God remembers me.
-Cheer up! I am free to choose if I want to be happy or sad, and I am free to choose if I want to follow Christ or Satan.
-Come unto Christ, as long as I'm doing things for others and doing my best I'm serving them.
- The Atonement takes away my sorrow too. The Atonement knows my anxiety and depression.
- Have FAITH!! Follow simple desires to be like Him!

This scripture gave me exactly what I needed, just as it will give you what you need when you ask God and you search for help in His holy word.

On Friday, I got to spend the night doing fun things with my best friend! We decided we wanted to do something for others. We spent the night making cookies, cards, laughing, and making great memories all while serving Our God by serving others. There is a certain feeling when you do activities like these, it's indescribable but for me: I just feel so happy I want to jump on the roof tops and shout to the world that God is good, and I love Him! The Church is TRUE!
I love serving others and doing that with my best friend is the best place to be. I LOVE it, and it makes me so happy- he's one of the biggest blessings God has given me.
After we did this we had the opportunity to sit and talk. I used this time to open up and share about my experiences in the MTC, experiences that only five people really know. I got to tell of my worries, fears, hopes, concerns, joys, etc. and I didn't hide any of it. Then my Best Friend looked me in the eyes and shared his testimony with me, sharing his faith and power of the Priesthood. As he talked to me, I felt a burden lifting from my shoulders. I felt a happiness, and a peace I was longing for. The Spirit testified to me of things I needed to know. And it simply came through the voice of my best friend.
The power of the Priesthood is real- and I want you to know that. It is a divine gift from God. It heals. I love the Priesthood, I am so thankful for it and I don't know what I would do without it. I am so thankful that my best friend is worthy of this divine gift and calling and that he knows how sacred it is. I love the Priesthood.

Saturday I got to spend the day being with family and friends. Nothing really big happened, but I was a lot happier than I had been in a long time and I made it through a longer day, with less sleep than I had in a while.

Today wasn't easy: but I learned of the Lord's love for me and how that love is shown by the support of ward members. My ward is truly like my family. They love me and I know they do, no matter if I'm serving a full time mission or not. I know that they are proud of me too, and I can count of them. For each one of them I want to say thank you. This trial would be so much harder without your help and support. You are a special angel to me on this journey and I love you lots!

Other than these highlights, some others things that I consider tender mercies that are an ongoing thing are:
- My mom and I spending time together redoing my room! I'm learning how to mud and sand walls, choose good carpets and wall paints, and move heavy items. My mom and I have a lot of fun working together and I know that these are memories I will always cherish. Sometimes we talk a lot and sometimes we laugh so much that we can feel our six packs coming in. No matter what, my mom is always there for me and I love her! I know she will always listen.
- I am knitting! I love this, as it gives me something to do quietly, and watch a movie too. I'm so glad I have this talent cause while I make dish clothes I get to think about whom they are for and my gratitude for them grows and I love them more.
- I get to deal with siblings every day. I love them- even when I do want to lock them in a sound proof room so my head ache will ease. But I wouldn't trade them for the world! They always make me laugh and when they are happy and playing at home I know they are safe and doing good things and I love it. I have the best siblings ever. Siblings by chance, friends by choice!
- It's been 11 days (today) since I've had a panic attack! That is a HUGE accomplishment for me! Cause I know I would have had at least 2 this week if it wasn't for my amazing friends and family to help me and comfort me. And The Atonement of Christ. I remember one time I felt one coming on and I knew I didn't want to break my streak of no attacks- and I thought of the Savior, and that the Atonement isn't just for sins: but that Christ felt my sorrow right there in that moment. He was by my side and it was okay. I really wasn't alone, and suddenly I felt okay- not better, but okay, and my attack went away before it even started. Things like this, all the little things, are the biggest blessings in someone's life like mine.
- I have the best best friend ever. He is always willing to drop everything and listen when he knows an attack may be coming. He always helps me see the bright side and He loves me just the same, and even more. He is wonderful and I can't imagine doing this without his help and support. His faith is unshakable and he loves the gospel and has helped me remember that even though it's tough right now: the scriptures and Christ are what I need most. And on days where I feel I just cannot read the scriptures and I just want to ignore it: He reads them to me and suddenly things seem okay.

I just want you to know that I love each of you. I am SO thankful for the gospel. Looking for tender mercies throughout the week has helped me so much! It helps me to be positive, and seek for the greater things in life. I want you to know that I know it is not easy. We all face trials, and no one knows how we feel, but Christ does. He is the only one who knows- therefore we MUST cling to Him and His gospel. He is our strength, and with Him we cannot fail. We must always remember that alone, we can't do it but with Him we can, and we will- even if our prayers aren't answered this day, someday they will be answered in His way and His time. That means they are being answered right now and we don't even know it! We must trust Him. There is no other way than with Him. I know this, and I hope you come to know it too.
Love you all! Have a great week! Thanks again for all your support and love!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Here are some personal pictures from the week!
Mom and I sanding my room and becoming snow womens! haha:) 

Making cookies! Don't mind our faces.. we don't believe in normal pics. ;) 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

He Has A Plan For Each Of Us

He is our source of all comfort. He knows me. 
Dear Family and Friends, 

First, I want to say I'm sorry that I did not update my blog last week- I was in the MTC and didn't get the chance to write home by then. Then a new list of events took place in my life- of which I would like to share with you all today. 

Second, I want to let you know that I am going to change (sort of) my blog. It will still be my testimony, but instead of just sharing a "lesson" of sorts, I want to share my experience from the week. So, if this goes the way I plan, my posts will be somewhat of a "journal entry" from the week; and I will share the Tender Mercies of the Lord in my life. It will be about how I have made it through the week, the blessings I have recognized (tender mercies) and it will be more me- not so much a "talk" but more personal. I feel that by doing this it will help those of you whom are concerned about the things I am currently facing, it will be my life updates and it will be more "real life" not just me teaching you what I know. Does that make sense? Well if it doesn't: Sorry! Hopefully it will all come together eventually! 

So lastly, let's start this "new adventure" together! 

As many of you are already aware, I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo Utah on Jan. 6, 2016. I felt confident and ready to teach the world the gospel. However my body had different ideas. After a very long five and half days, I came home on Jan. 11, 2016. During those five and half days I learned more than I had ever imagined could be learned in that amount of time. Not only about the gospel and how to be a missionary, but I learned about the Atonement of Christ, I learned about my family, and I learned about myself. 

I thought I was just home sick that first night, so I just pushed it to the side telling myself to "forget myself and get to work!!" So I tried with all I had to do this, but it was not as easy as I thought- especially when I started to get sick. From day one there was a lot going on. You had a set schedule, every minute planned out for you for the whole day, and your days were 16 long hours, with no naps. (And might I add, I was not sleeping at night.) Although the food at the MTC was good, I could not eat it because my body was not digesting the food properly, causing a constant tummy ache and leaving little room for more nutrition at the next meal. You have three hour class blocks, and multiple throughout the day. You study in a class room all day long, and you have a constant companion- even if you are just going across the hall to use the restroom. (They have to be in the same room as you- not in the same bathroom stall! No worries, you have that privacy still! Thank Heavens!) Because of everything going on I had a very hard time focusing, which made personal study very difficult, and made class instruction even harder. My body could not handle it. 

Day 4 came along and I had been talking to a leader at the MTC about my problems. I had received a Priesthood Blessing from the Elders in my District, and I was finally feeling like I could do this. My amazing companion and I went back to class and since it was personal time I decided to write in my journal, when suddenly: things went south. My comp. and I decided we needed to go back to see my leader immediately. He got my parents on the phone, we all talked, I saw a doctor the next day (it was Sunday so we determined I could wait till the next morning.) and after speaking with him, we decided it was time for me to go home and get better. This broke my heart but at the same time it was joyous that I could go home and get better. 

I was scared to come home. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Ar first, I thought I had let everyone down, I was now a disappointment, and I just wanted to hide. But my sweet mom gave me a hug, and told me it was all going to be okay and that she loved me and she was still proud of me. All the girls in my district gave me hugs and told me how much they loved me and how much they would miss me. (Those sisters are some the most amazing people I have ever met. Same with the Elders in my district. They changed my life and I hope I changed theirs for good too.) We loaded my bags in my car and it was finally time to go home.

On Jan. 12, 2016, exactly a week after becoming a full time missionary, I was released from my sacred calling as a full time solider for my King. I had fought my fight- no matter how long it was. I was now a injured solider and it was time for me to go home, and get better. It doesn't mean my fight was any less important. It doesn't mean my fight means any less to the Commander. It doesn't mean I wasn't good enough. It just means that I am wounded and now I am home healing with help from my family and friends. I'm still a good and faithful Solider, and I did what my Commander asked me. I fought with all I had and He still loves me. 

Now I am home. I am recovering more every day. Some days I feel lost and hopeless, but I just keep telling myself "keep on trucking." Right before I had major problems at the MTC I saw a quote that said "Things will work out. Everything will be okay." That's something else I keep on saying to myself. It will be alright. Things will work out.

Even though this was most definitely not the plan I had for myself, I know that it is the plan the Lord has for me. I know that because of the Atonement of Christ, and the things He went through to make that Atonement possible, I am not alone. He did not just take upon Himself the sins of the world, but also our imperfections and short comings. He has felt every single pain and sorrow I am now feeling and will yet feel. I am never ever alone because He did this for me- and you. He knows us personally and perfectly. I know this now on a level I didn't know so well before. It is not easy, but the only thing I can do right now is trust HIM. I know the Atonement is enough and it always will be because it is whole, it is complete, it is perfect for each of us- and that includes me. I know that better now. I am not alone in this. 

I know that although I feel broken, my loving support in Heaven, my Father and my Brother; they love broken things. I know they will make me whole. Through time, faith, and the Atonement of Christ I will be whole. I will be better, I will be fixed- no longer broken. But I must take my "broken" to Him. He is my physician, my healer, my all. And I love Him. 

I love you all. Thank you for your support, love, and encouragement. Always remember Our Heavenly Father knows YOU and He loves YOU too. You are not alone in your trial. Take it one day at a time and learn, with me, to trust Him with everything. "In time this too shall pass" with great faith and hope and trust in Him, our one true source of comfort, love, and healing. Never give up on Him. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Mission Has Arrived

I will go and do the things the Lord Commands- go and plant gospel seeds.
Brothers and Sisters,

The time has come. In just three short days I will entering the Missionary Training Center to start my full time mission for The Lord and people in the Ohio Cleveland mission! I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I swear it was just yesterday I was opening my mission call and only a little while before that I had announced my decision to go- well that was a year ago, and now we are here. CRAZY!

For some of my last thoughts I would like to share something I heard yesterday while watching a movie with my family. The movie I was watching is called Miracle Maker A Christmas Tale. There is a part that I want to share. And as you read what is said I want you to think about missionary work. (In this part of the movie a man and a young boy were planting flowers. The man was explaining the importance of "planting seeds" to the young boy and this is what he said.

"Place 3 seeds in each hole. Now, cover it with dirt. Do you see them anymore? (boy shakes his head no.) But you know they're there because you put them there? (boys nods head yes.) In the Spring, this place will be full of flowers. We may not be here to see them, but they will bloom. Right now all you see is dirt- but that little bit of work you just did, it's gonna pay off later because you took the time to place them."

When I heard this I thought: Oh what a great way to explain what I'll be doing for 18 months out in Cleveland: Planting seeds. Even though I may not be there to see the "flowers" bloom, I know that I planted those seeds and they will bloom. Even when all I can see is dirt, the work I will be doing will pay off because I will have placed those seeds, I know that although (at the time) covered with "Dirt" those seeds are there and someday, they will grow.

I want you to know that I have a testimony of this the true church. I know that it is true. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ lived and died for us and that He lives again. I know that He knows us personally, and He loves us more than we can ever imagine. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith translated it. I know that by studying The Book Of Mormon, we will come closer to our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and he restored this the true Church on the earth today. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real, and I've seen it's effects in my life. I know that the temple is a sacred holy house of God. I know that there we can be sealed together forever with our families. I know we make sacred promises there that will bring us eternal and lasting joy if we live up to those promises we make. I know that the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, healing, saving, loving, and everything else you can imagine. Because of this we are never ever alone. I want you to know that I know these things are true, and you need to know for yourself too- search the scriptures, ponder the words in your heart and mind continually, and ask our loving Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ if they are real and true and I promise you that He will make it known unto you if you have a sincere and willing heart and desire to know. I promise you this. I know this without a doubt and I cannot wait to share my testimony with the people of Ohio. I love you all!
In the name of our dear Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ,

***other info: This is not the end of my blog! My sweet family will be keeping my blog up to date for me! They will copy and paste my pictures and my weekly email to this blog. So don't go away! (Time will probably change of update- no longer Sunday, probably Monday or Tuesday; and no "blog update" email)
***More info: if you'd like to receive my weekly emails click here to fill out a google form where you can put your name and email!
Also if you'd like my mailing addresses please email me and let me know! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!