Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Mission Has Arrived

I will go and do the things the Lord Commands- go and plant gospel seeds.
Brothers and Sisters,

The time has come. In just three short days I will entering the Missionary Training Center to start my full time mission for The Lord and people in the Ohio Cleveland mission! I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I swear it was just yesterday I was opening my mission call and only a little while before that I had announced my decision to go- well that was a year ago, and now we are here. CRAZY!

For some of my last thoughts I would like to share something I heard yesterday while watching a movie with my family. The movie I was watching is called Miracle Maker A Christmas Tale. There is a part that I want to share. And as you read what is said I want you to think about missionary work. (In this part of the movie a man and a young boy were planting flowers. The man was explaining the importance of "planting seeds" to the young boy and this is what he said.

"Place 3 seeds in each hole. Now, cover it with dirt. Do you see them anymore? (boy shakes his head no.) But you know they're there because you put them there? (boys nods head yes.) In the Spring, this place will be full of flowers. We may not be here to see them, but they will bloom. Right now all you see is dirt- but that little bit of work you just did, it's gonna pay off later because you took the time to place them."

When I heard this I thought: Oh what a great way to explain what I'll be doing for 18 months out in Cleveland: Planting seeds. Even though I may not be there to see the "flowers" bloom, I know that I planted those seeds and they will bloom. Even when all I can see is dirt, the work I will be doing will pay off because I will have placed those seeds, I know that although (at the time) covered with "Dirt" those seeds are there and someday, they will grow.

I want you to know that I have a testimony of this the true church. I know that it is true. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ lived and died for us and that He lives again. I know that He knows us personally, and He loves us more than we can ever imagine. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith translated it. I know that by studying The Book Of Mormon, we will come closer to our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and he restored this the true Church on the earth today. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real, and I've seen it's effects in my life. I know that the temple is a sacred holy house of God. I know that there we can be sealed together forever with our families. I know we make sacred promises there that will bring us eternal and lasting joy if we live up to those promises we make. I know that the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, healing, saving, loving, and everything else you can imagine. Because of this we are never ever alone. I want you to know that I know these things are true, and you need to know for yourself too- search the scriptures, ponder the words in your heart and mind continually, and ask our loving Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ if they are real and true and I promise you that He will make it known unto you if you have a sincere and willing heart and desire to know. I promise you this. I know this without a doubt and I cannot wait to share my testimony with the people of Ohio. I love you all!
In the name of our dear Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ,

***other info: This is not the end of my blog! My sweet family will be keeping my blog up to date for me! They will copy and paste my pictures and my weekly email to this blog. So don't go away! (Time will probably change of update- no longer Sunday, probably Monday or Tuesday; and no "blog update" email)
***More info: if you'd like to receive my weekly emails click here to fill out a google form where you can put your name and email!
Also if you'd like my mailing addresses please email me and let me know! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!


Shauna said...

I can't believe it is time for you to go. Time has gone by so quickly. You will be an amazing missionary and a blessing to all you meet. You will be missed. Love You !

jjlove said...

What a great description of what missionary work is. You will see be planting seeds in the hearts of many. We love you and will miss you, but know you will be doing great things for the people waiting for your testimony! Your the best.