Sunday, February 21, 2016

I made it!

It's been another week... I'm surprised I made it through. HOLY COW! What a roller coaster ride of emotions this week. But here I am! Not a lot happened this week, so I'll share what did!

Tuesday: My pet fish died :( So that night I went to the pet store and got a new one! I named him Fireball! :)
This is Fireball! :) 

Wednesday: I started my new job at the elementary school! And oh boy I love it so much! Those kids are so sweet and I love helping them learn- seeing the light and joy in their eyes when they finally understand something is just the best feeling ever. They are the cutest and some of them are already sharing their favorite things with me. They are SO cute! I defiantly have the best job in the world!!
I also ended my counseling on Wednesday. I'm glad I was able to go and learn, but I'm glad I'm done- I feel I am finally going somewhere with things.

Thursday- After I got back from work my mom took me to Chick-Fil-A!! :) I love that place :) It was an awesome unexpected adventure for us.
I also had the opportunity to go and help my best friend with a school Photo assignment- which at first I wasn't too excited for, but it ended up being tons of fun! My best friend always knows how to turn my day around. I love him!

Friday- I didn't want to cook dinner but didn't want to go out and get anything so my best friend decided to surprise me and brought home some of my favorite dinner from Kneaders and set up an at home movie night for us so we could just relax and watch our favorite TV show. It was so sweet of him!

Saturday- I cleaned the house with my mom, and then we went out to my cousin's house at night so my dad could help them with a remodel! My best friend came and we had Chinese take out and we just laughed and had a great time! (Oh on our way out I convinced my best friend to get me my favorite Swig smoothie!! Which I have been wanting for FOREVER! and on the rest of the drive up we were singing our favorite songs and laughing and the sun was shining and it was GREAT!!)
I convinced him to get me this smoothie and then I was nice enough to share ;) haha!
Now we are here today. After church my mom and sisters and I were invited with our ward sisters to go to the Provo City Center Temple private showing of the Bridal Rooms. It was AWESOME! I cannot wait to be married and sealed for all time and eternity in that glorious and beautiful temple. It's gorgeous and the promises my Husband and I will make with our divine Savior and Father will be the most important promises for us and our family. I'm so excited!
Sorry the sun was in our eyes! But here we are after the tour!

See? Not a lot happened this week! But a LOT was learned. One of the biggest lessons I learned this week is Kindness always wins.  Think before you speak.
I'm not going to share examples from my life for fear of offending others, so I will just say: council with the Lord in all your doings, and treat others the way He would treat them. Christ loves all people and we should too- even when it's hard. and we need to learn to listen and to not be offended so easily. Give others the benefit of the doubt and don't judge. You have not walked in someone else's shoes, so just breathe and give other's the benefit of the doubt and be happy. We all have enough to worry about, so let's not give each other more to worry about. Let others learn and grow and BE HAPPY!!

I just want you to know I love my Savior and no matter what happens, as long as I'm doing my best: He will be by my side and He will help me, love me, and so much more. I know with Him by my side I will never be alone, lost, or forgotten. I know with Him I can do all things. I love Him with all my heart!
I know the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true! I hope and pray that you can find this truth for yourself too! I know He loves you and you are not forgotten. Don't give up- hard times will pass! I love you and so does He! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Love, Samantha

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