Sunday, February 7, 2016

What a week! But I made it!

He knows the plan! Listen to Him!

This was a CRAZY week! Let's talk about busy! So let's get started!

Although this week was busy, I don't have a ton of time to write today so I'm going to try and stick to the Tender Mercies and I'll explain hardships of the week if necessary and as fast as I can! (plus I like to count blessings more than count trials! ;) ) 

Monday- Remember how I got my results back from my blood work? Well that's why I went back to the doctor- to discuss medications.. which I did not want because I felt I was fighting my battle well enough without them! (I want you to know I am not against meds, and I know they can be extremely helpful and necessary! I am totally okay with meds if that's what it comes to but I just want to try my other options first!) So anyway, the doctor suggested different meds and told me the choice was mine to make and to let her know my decision when I made it. I got home that night and I had the best conversation ever with my aunt! She has been through a lot in her life and she has come out on top, so I wanted to ask her for advice and what not. We talked for about an hour and we had a very spiritually uplifting conversation. It was perfect for what I needed that night. I am so blessed!! 

Tuesday- I had a surprise visit from my aunt!! I was so excited! I was having a rough day and just felt depressed, when I got a text from my aunt "I'm coming down to your house, do you have time to chat for a little bit?" I almost cried tears of joy! I was SO exited. I hadn't seen my aunt since I got home and I really wanted to see her! She came over and we had a great conversation again, this time with my parents and we just laughed and shared testimony. I LOVE family time! It helps everything come back to where I feel it should be :) 

Wednesday- I had counseling, and we had such a great conversation we went over my time a little bit, and then I had time to talk to my mom about it as well. It was great! 
Then my sweet visiting teacher came over and she let me talk to her as well. We talked and laughed and it was a great visit. I love her! 
That afternoon I had the opportunity to help one of my great friends with her volunteer work at the elementary school. It was great to be able to help her and spend time serving others and talking with her. She's amazing! 

First, I made pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies and shared them with loved ones and friends. 
Second, I got to make missionary packages and sent them to my friends in the MTC. (I know now, on a different level that packages and letters when you are a missionary are literally CHRISTMAS all over again!)
Third,  I GOT NEW CARPET FOR MY NEW ROOM!!! AND I MOVED BACK INTO MY NEW ROOM WITH MY NEW BED!!! That was the best night of my whole week. My carpet was sooooo pretty (to me) and my new bed was gorgeous and all the bedding worked and looked so much better than I thought it would! Everything was just GREAT! and well worth the wait. I feel like I can go in there and relax and conquer any problems! 
Making cookies! 


Early valentine's missionary packages!

making packages! 

Friday- I had the opportunity to surprise my best friend at lunch with his mom and aunt. 
Then we surprised him with a rented LIMO for his birthday! (His birthday is actually today- Sunday- but we wanted to celebrate all weekend) We drove all over town and it was great to just hang out with his family and just do something fun and unique!
Limo rides!

Saturday- I was swapped! I was throwing my best friend a surprise party that night with his closest friends, and I was making them dinner- which meant I had to cook, clean, decorate, distract, etc. all day long! It was CRAZY! I made so much food. (teenage boys..) I was so busy so my life saving sister offered to make a cake I promised my best friend for his birthday. That was such a blessing and I am soooo grateful for her. I have no idea what I would do without her!
Birthday surprise for my Best Friend!

Clues that led him to the surprise 

Other things I want share this week: 
I was very overwhelmed with my headaches and not knowing what to do, fighting my anxiety, and trying to stay happy. I asked my friends and family what their suggestions were for such things and I got overwhelming responses of love and support. It was AMAZING. I just want to publicly thank every one for their support. I know at times I can be very trying and difficult but I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent you to be an angel in my life. As I work through my trials I hope I can help you the way you are helping me. I know we are all working on getting back home to our Father and Savior and it is not easy. It is a path full of trials, pain and suffering; but also a path full of love, light, and hope. Thank you for helping me see that and find that during my difficult times. 
Above all this week I learned that being positive, having eternal perspective and learning patience is KEY. I need to count my blessings, and REMEMBER them. Writing things down does something to our brain that helps us remember it. (So I write EVERY thing now.) And also- I need to focus on my mission at home. I cannot sit around and wait to "be better" I've got to get out there and make myself better by serving others and reaching out as I did before my mission. I can still be a missionary and I need to be. 

I also want you to know that I love the Savior. He brings peace that is indescribable because of the suffering He went through for my sake so that I never have to be alone. That knowledge has gotten me through to this point and it continues to do so every day. I am SO thankful that I am not alone nor will I ever be no matter how much the world tries to tell me I am- I simply am not alone because of HIM. He felt everything I am and ever will feel and I am so grateful and eternally indebted to Him for that. 

I love you all and I love this gospel with all my heart. Thank you again for everything you do for me and my family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 
Love, Samantha 

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Keep it up! ❤️ You!