Sunday, March 13, 2016

Grown Up

You never know.. What message are you sending them? 
Hello blog readers! How are you doing?! I've got a lot going on lately and I know it's a busy time for lots so I'll keep it short!

This week I have been busy! I'm not sure how much I learned this week, but usually by the end of writing this blog every week I realize a re-occurring something during the week!

Monday was a very special day for me and my best friend. March 7, was the year mark for us dating. And can I just say it's been the craziest, most memorable, lesson learning, faith building, amazing year of my life?! Largely due to the love and support of my best friend. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent me such an amazing worthy Priesthood holder to help me stay worthy, and help me learn and grow closer to my Heavenly Father. My best friend is truly one of my biggest blessings and I am so proud of Him. (Here are some pictures from the day's events.)
Dressed up for dinner at the place we went on our first date! 

The gift I left Jordan! (Pretty much just food since that's what he likes best) ;) 

He brought me my favorite flowers!! 

And a stuffed bunny :) 

And for lunch: My FAVORITE! Zupas, at the duck pond!!! 

Tuesday, I went and spent my evening with my hair dresser and close friend. She lightened my hair for Spring/Summer! Not only do I love my hair, I love my hairdresser because she is SO real. She cares about me and my life, she listens and gives great advice. She is such a great friend and example to me. I love her!! I don't know what I'd do without her! Especially when my best friend goes for his mission, she will be SUCH a great friend to turn too. I LOVE HER!




Wednesday I spent the afternoon working and the evening with my best friend's family celebrating grandma's birthday. It was so great to spend the evening talking and laughing and making memories with them. It was a great way to end a stressful day. I love them!

Thursday I went shopping for new, more modest clothing. (This is so stressful for me..) I wasn't having any luck and was about to give up when I looked over and saw the type of jeans I love for sale for $9! My sweet grandma knows how to sew so I knew she could cut them to where they needed to be for modest shorts. I was SO excited! (Little tender mercies right there!!)

Friday my best friend took me out to get my nails done. I was SO excited because I had been wanting them done for Spring sooo badly. It was a great time for me to relax and enjoy myself. Then we went back to my house and we had my favorite: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup!!! It was delightful! Such a great night :)
Cute fingers and toes for Spring! 

Saturday I finally got to work out, and then cleaned both outside and inside! We got a lot done and it felt so good to be able to have a clean house. Then I went and got myself a new swim suit for the summer! (This was a struggle too because I don't wear bikinis, or low cut things, so finding a modest suit was HARD!) Then I got to talk with my best friend's mom while he cleaned a car for a friend. It was awesome to be able to talk with her and just chat about things in life. I love talking with great friends; talking to a great friend, being able to confide in them and trust them will always mean more to me than they will know. (Thank you! I treasure those moments!) After that, my best friend and I ran some errands for our moms to get them groceries, then we helped with dinner. We had homemade hamburgers at my house, and breakfast at his. (2 of my favorites!) Then we went to Jamba Juice! Which I love too! We brought our smoothies home and we watched one of my favorite TV shows and just relaxed. It was a great day!
My yummy Burger was so big I couldn't bite it..

Jamba Juice! :) 

Sunday (today), I had the opportunity to go to church and partake of the sacrament; renewing my covenants with my Heavenly Father and being forgiven of my sins and wrong-doings this week. I also had to chance to speak with my bishop about things that are coming up in my life and making choices and it was great! I am so thankful that I am able to go to church every Sunday and live around so many wonderful people, members and non-members alike. I love them and I learn so much from them every day. I love this gospel!!

This week, overall I learned that Heavenly Father loves us no matter how difficult things get to be. He sends us people all along the way to help us and to learn from and with us. There are people around us every single day, and we choose (most of the time subconsciously) to either make a positive interaction with them or a negative one. All we have to do is simply smile. Heavenly Father sends us to a family, we make friends, we have teachers, leaders, peers, and all other kinds of examples.. what kind of example are you to those around you?
I realized something this week: When we are young we all have that one "older person" we look up too. That one adult that we believe to be the coolest person ever. The one that we all get really excited to talk too and we want to be just like them. Well I am that person now. I'm grown up and I know there are kids that look up to me like that. What kind of example am I showing them? Can they see Heavenly Father through me??

In closing I want to say that Heavenly Father loves you. I know that He knows you and that you are not forgotten. Please never forget that. You are HIS child and you matter to Him. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Love, Samantha

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