Sunday, August 25, 2013


These last couple of days have been an eye opener for me. I recently have remembered those who have passed on and had some experiences lately with death again. I sincerely felt the love of my savior these past few days and saw his little reminders that he does in fact know who I am and he hasn't forgotten what I have been through and he knows that at times it still hurts, and at times I don't know what to do: but he is always there. This week especially I have felt his love for me and my family as we remembered my Uncle, and Great Grandma, and saw another person we love pass away as well. In my life I have seen a lot of people I was close with and learned a lot from pass away, 3 of the 4 unexpected. I felt myself at these times asking "why me?" "Why did it have to my (uncle, Grandma, Great Grandma)"? "If God really loves me and knows me, why did he take them away from me?" I have come to find over the past 4 years that he didn't "take them away" he brought them closer. I know that God loves me and Jesus came to earth and died for all of us that we might live again. I know this is true and I know that when we pass on, it's not the end. I know that we will live again and we can be with our families forever. Heavenly Father made a plan of Happiness. He made it so death wasn't the end. Jesus left his Father in Heaven and came down to earth, and died for us that we may be forgiven of our sins, and that we could all be together forever and live for eternity. For any of you who have lost a loved one or close friend, I want you to know: it's not the end. There is peace, and I know it's not easy to find all the time or it may come and go, but I KNOW it is there and God will bring you peace. I ask you to find it. Pray. Ask, Seek, and you will be given. Knock and it shall be opened. (Matthew chapter 7, verse 7. 3 Nephi chapter 27 verse 29.)* I came across this video** today and I'm going to ask you to watch it. It is from one of the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. ( The Mormon church, the church I belong too.) This brought me comfort and peace and helped me a lot and I hope it helps you too. I want you to know that I KNOW that God lives, Jesus is his Son, and they both love us all very much. I know that we can all live together again, and I know this isn't the end. I know that Joseph Smith lived and restored the gospel in it's fullness on the earth today. I love my Father in Heaven and I trust in him, and know that he has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself and if I choose to follow him I can fulfill that plan. I know we are never alone and we can make it through hard things. I beg you to come unto Christ and find peace and joy in this gospel. You will never be happier. I AM his daughter and he loves me and I love him.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Love, Samantha

*Matthew is found in the Bible, and in my church we use the King James Version of the bible. This verse reads:
 aAsk, and it shall be bgiven you; cseek, and ye shall find; dknock, and it shall be opened unto you: 
(Link: )

3 Nephi is found in the Book Of Mormon, the keystone of my religion. This verse reads:
 29 Therefore, aask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
(Link: )

**This video is the shorted hightlight of the actual talk:

If you would like to listen to the whole talk here is that link:

If you haven't listened to or read the whole talk, it's worth your time I promise.

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