Sunday, February 9, 2014

"How Could You Cut Me Down?"

He sees in terms of Forever, we only see here and now. Trust him. 
Today I was shown a video* in church that touched my heart and I felt like I needed to share with you all. The video depicts a farmer cutting an overgrown bush back down to a healthy bush and how the bush seemed to "cry" as droplets of water formed where it had been cut. The video goes on to tell a story of the farmer and this thoughts about this bush "crying" and how it relates to us all. This video, along with other things this weekend gave me a new perspective on our Heavenly Father's love for each and every one of us. Sometimes we are faced with trials and adversity that we feel are unfair to us and our situations. Trials that "cut us down" from things we thought we wanted. Such as: getting a promotion that suddenly gets denied because of unseen events, loosing a loved one early in life, loosing a friend that you never thought would go away, etc. These are all unseen events that can change our lives dramatically. Sometimes in these trials we are angry with Heavenly Father, and blame Him for not looking out for us. However, even though we don't see it, he is watching out for us, and that trail might be opening up the future for an even better thing to come. We need to learn to trust Him and His timing because he can see the whole plan, and we only see here and now. Sometimes what we have planned for ourselves isn't what he has planned for us so he has to redirect our lives so that we can be the best that we can be. I know that it isn't easy going through these trials and even at my young age I have dealt with some of these things and I know that they hurt, it seems unfair, and you want to blame Him for not letting you have what you thought you wanted, and maybe worked so hard to get. I know that in my future I will be faced with many more of these trails and I will have to remember to take a step back and remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do love me and that they see in terms of forever, and I can only see in terms of here and now. I need to remember that I need to trust them that they will lead and guide me to bigger and better things. I know that this isn't easy to do and that it takes a lot of practice to not get angry, but I do know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you. I know that they hurt when you hurt and they hate to see you have to hurt, but sometimes we have to hurt and feel pain so that we can grow and so that we can become better sons and daughters of Him, so that we can be more appreciative of our times of happiness and joy. I know that they love you, and they want you to be the best that you can be. Getting there isn't easy, but I know with all my heart that it will be worth it in the end. I personally believe that someday we will be able to look back on our hardships and we will be able to have gratitude for them because of the things we learned from each one, and the person they helped us become. I hope and pray that each one of you can choose to be happy and look for the good things in each trial and that you can learn the things that Heavenly Father needs you to learn from each trial and hardship. I know he loves you so much. Come unto him in all you do. You are never alone, and he desires to be there and help you. Let him in. I know these things are true. This is my testimony that I leave with you,
In the Name of Jesus Christ,

Love, Samantha

*Here is a link to the video: The Will Of God


Steffani said...

I love that video too! It is my favorite! I totally agree with all you said. You're the best!

Family said...

Thank you for sharing this with me! I love getting your posts, and it brightens my day, especially when I'm going through a hard time. You are an inspiration to me, and I wanted to thank you.
~Grace Emery