Sunday, February 2, 2014

I KNOW That He Lives.

He Lives!
I just wanted to share my testimony today that I KNOW, with no question that my Heavenly Father lives. I KNOW that his son, my elder brother, Jesus Christ lives too. I was having an especially hard weekend this week, and I felt so unimportant and lonely. I felt like I didn't matter, but then I had this feeling, a prompting from the Holy Ghost, to go listen to my David Osmond CD. I thought at first that this was a weird thing to do cause I hadn't done that in a long time, but the feeling wouldn't go away. I finally decided that I would just go and see what was on the CD. As I looked over its contents I realized that this was the CD that had one of my favorite church hymns on it. I quickly turned on my radio, put the CD in and skipped to my favorite one. I sat down and listened for a minute. Suddenly I stared crying. I suddenly felt warm and whole again. I suddenly felt loved and wanted. I suddenly heard my testimony in the song. "I know that my Redeemer lives."* I do know that He lives. The song goes on to tell of how I know He lives. "He lives to comfort me when faint, He lives to hear my soul's complaint." The song lists so many things/reasons of why I know He lives, and what He does for me. I was filled with motivation to keep pressing forward because I'm not done doing the work I was sent here to do. I was reminded that "every dark and lonely night, leads to a glorious day to come". I was reminded that I am not alone, and that He loves me, He feels my every pain, He knows me, and He's rooting for me. I know that He knows you too. I beg you brothers and sisters, to never give up. Don't quit. You are loved beyond measure. You are such a precious soul in the sight of the Lord. You are a creation beyond all creations. You are wonderful and amazing in every way. You are important. Don't stop now. You can do hard things. He is always right beside you, just reach out to him. I love you and this is my testimony, In the name of Jesus Christ,

* Click on the link to listen to: I Know That My Redeemer Lives:

Here are the Lyrics to read while you listen: (Sorry about the weird background I don't know how to get rid of that.)
  1. 1. I know that my Redeemer lives.
    What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
    He lives, he lives, who once was dead.
    He lives, my ever-living Head.
    He lives to bless me with his love.
    He lives to plead for me above.
    He lives my hungry soul to feed.
    He lives to bless in time of need.
  2. 2. He lives to grant me rich supply.
    He lives to guide me with his eye.
    He lives to comfort me when faint.
    He lives to hear my soul's complaint.
    He lives to silence all my fears.
    He lives to wipe away my tears.
    He lives to calm my troubled heart.
    He lives all blessings to impart.
  3. 3. He lives, my kind, wise heav'nly Friend.
    He lives and loves me to the end.
    He lives, and while he lives, I'll sing.
    He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
    He lives and grants me daily breath.
    He lives, and I shall conquer death.
    He lives my mansion to prepare.
    He lives to bring me safely there.
  4. 4. He lives! All glory to his name!
    He lives, my Savior, still the same.
    Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
    "I know that my Redeemer lives!"
    He lives! All glory to his name!
    He lives, my Savior, still the same.
    Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
    "I know that my Redeemer lives!"

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