Sunday, February 23, 2014

YOU Matter!

YOU are beautiful in the eyes of our maker, and that's all that matters.
Hello everyone! This week I want to talk to every single one of you. Whether you think this topic applies to you right now or not, it will apply at sometime in you life. Earlier this week I shared something on one of my social media accounts and I wanted to share it with you all of you to begin this week's post. I shared this little thought along with a picture that said: "Your imperfections make you perfect. Don't be something you're not." The thought read: "To anyone who needs this: YOU are beautiful. I don't care what color your hair is, what color your eyes are, I don't care if we share the same religion, I don't care if you are the richest person or the poorest. I don't care if your a size 20 or a size 0. I don't care where you were born, where you grew up, or who your parents are. I don't care if your captain of the football team, if you're the head cheer leader, or if you are barely noticed. I don't care what anyone has ever told you before because I'm telling you now: YOU my dear friend are beautiful beyond measure. YOU are unique. There is not one single person who can be YOU. YOU were born to stand out. YOU are amazing. and YOU are loved. YOU are gorgeous. YOU are lovely. YOU are important beyond comprehension. YOU are YOU. Go on and love YOU, because no body can love YOU more than YOU. don't you dare think for one second that this isn't true. YOU are glorious, and YOU, can do this. Don't YOU EVER give up. I promise YOU this: YOU are more than words can describe. And I love YOU. I don't care who YOU are, I love you, and YOU are perfect. So don't YOU change for the world. The world should change because it has YOU. Don't pretend to be something your not. YOU BE YOU! Because YOU is the best and most beautiful thing YOU can be." I said this little 'thought', I didn't find it online or in a book, it's something that I said because it is really how I feel. And I do believe that it is true. After I said this I was with a friend just talking about anything and everything. Somehow we came upon the subject of "fitting in." His response to me was one I will never forget. He told me this: "It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. You do what you do and if they have a problem with it, oh well. Do what you know is pleasing in God's eye and be you. Who cares what everyone else thinks? Being you is best." I was surprised by this. I just sat there for a minute and thought. I realized how important this was. My friend is brilliant! He's only 16 and he has the world figured out! This kept me thinking throughout the rest of the week. I was reminded of a video clip that one of my other friend's showed me about being yourself. This video clip is called "Who You Are". There is one geared towards men, and one geared towards women. I thought it was amazing how the young man in these videos was so sure and confident of the things that he is telling everyone. I wanted to share these clips with you as well. For the women: click here For the men: click here
At church today, one of the young women in my ward shared one of her favorite books with us. This book is probably one most of you are familiar with. It is called: "You Are Special" by Max Lucado.* This book talks about how others are always going to judge you and what you do, but all that matters in the end is how your maker sees you. (Our maker being our Heavenly Father.) How true is it that this is all that matters? Like my friend told me, and like the videos told us, WE (YOU) are important, and it doesn't matter what the world thinks about you. It only matters what our maker, our Father in Heaven, thinks of us. We are his most treasured creation and he loves us all so much. He knows each of us individually and he cares about us and our success' and perceived failures. He wants us to see our beauty the way he sees it in each of us. I beg you to see it too. When you look in the mirror, don't look for negative things. Look only for beauty. Because you are beautiful beyond measure, I promise. No matter what anyone says to you, you are a daughter or son of our living and loving Heavenly Father and he loves you because you are you, and you are beautiful to him. And that's all that matters. Period. I know this is true. Don't let other's judgments get in your way or bring you down. I love you. I know this church is true.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,

*This book is absolutely amazing and I encourage you to get a copy of it if you don't have one yet. Email me if you would like help finding a copy. I would love to help everyone have a copy of this wonderful book!

1 comment:

Family said...

Sam, I loved that video! Thank you for sharing your blog with me. You brighten my week, and I really want to thank you!