Sunday, March 2, 2014

We Are His Hands

You are his hands. 
Today in Church I was listening to the testimonies of others and one member bore her testimony about doing the Lord's work. She shared something that I have never really thought of before, but it stuck out to me and made me think. She told of a talk that Elder Uchtdorf of the first presidency gave a talk about a statue of Christ that was damaged in WWII. After a bombing in WWII the statue was repaired but its hands were never the same. A sign was placed in front of the statue that read: "You are my hands." This is what struck me about this talk. I know that we are here to do the Lord's work, but I never really thought that we are literally his hands. Through us Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do their work. I want you to watch his whole talk. While you watch I want you to think of this question: What am I doing with the Lord's hands?" Click Here  I know this is a longer talk, but I know that by learning of how we can better be his hands we will be blessed. With your hands you can do amazing things. With your hands you can touch others lives. I am going to ask you to really ponder this question: What are you doing with the Lord's hands? I know that with our hands we can change lives. With our hands we can make a difference. With our hands we can bring to pass the work of the Savior. I know we can do amazing things with our hands. I encourage you to choose to do the Lord's work with the hands he has blessed you with. I know that this is the true gospel. I know that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ again someday. I know they know us and love us. We are important to them and they will always be there for us. Never give up. I love you all. I know this true.
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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