Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hope For Good Things To Come

Anything is possible with God by your side. Don't give up.
I want to share with you all two Mormon Messages today. I don't really know what to say about these videos, I just know that I need to share them at this time. I am aware of some people's situations and how they are going through a hard time right now and need a little boost: so I hope this is what you need.

The first video is called: "The Power of Hope" from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. In this message Elder Uchtdorf shares with us how through Christ, we never need loose hope for better things to come. He shares with us that no matter how bleak and dark our lives seem today, that because of Christ: the end of our lives will exceed our grandest expectations. He wants each of you to know that he loves you and he wants you to hang on and remember to never give in, never give up; that the love of our Savior pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow and gladdens every heart. Click Here to watch this short and powerful video.

The second video is from Elder Jeffery R. Holland. In this video, he talks about how we all have times that we need a little hope and we need to know that things will get better in times ahead. He tells the story of a young family who are traveling to a new place to live. He tells of some trouble that they run into and how the father goes to get help. The father is given advice from a farmer that touches his heart and humbles him. He tells of a "flashback" experience and what he learned in that moment. This is the message I want to share with each of you. Blessings will come, don't quit. The Lord knows what He is doing and He will watch over you, and lead you to where you need to be. Don't give up. Click Here to watch video number 2.

I want each of you to know that I love you. I know that life isn't easy and that we each have to do things in our lives that we never thought we would have to deal with. I want you to remember that thought I shared a few weeks ago about "our trials being compliments from God." Remember that He loves you very much and He would never give you anything too big or too much for you to handle. YOU can do this. This life was given to you because you are strong enough to live it. I know that at times it seems that all our efforts and our help/service to others is wasted time and energy: but don't you ever quit. The things you do for others are never a waste of time and effort. When we are serving others we are serving our Heavenly Father. (Mosiah chapter 2 verse 17-This is found in the Book of Mormon) Time spent serving our Heavenly Father is never a waste. You are not a waste. Do not ever give up. I love you and I want you to know that I am here for you. Better things are in our future if but hold fast to the gospel and love the Savior and do what He asks us to do for Him. Follow Him, and where ever that might be or lead you: it is where you are supposed to go and better things will come. Trust in Him with all your heart and you will be blessed. Let the Lord know that you are willing to do His work whatever and where ever that work may be. Just don't ever give up. When life gets hard and the storms of life are raging: don't turn away from God: turn to God. He loves you more than you will ever know and He desires to be there for you and help you. It's your job to let Him in.

I know these things are true. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with all my heart, being, and soul. Do not ever give up hope. If you feel like you don't have strong enough faith: hold fast to the faith you do have. That will be good enough for now, and in time it will be strengthened and you will find yourself able to do great and amazing things for the Lord. He loves you. I want you to know that. I love you. I leave you with this, my testimony, In His sacred name
Jesus Christ,


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