Sunday, May 25, 2014

Never Postpone a Prompting

Always act quickly. 
What is a prompting? The dictionary says that the word prompting means: to move or induce to action; to occasion or incite: inspire; to assist (a person speaking) by suggesting something to be said. Promptings from the spirit are just that. They are thoughts inspired to us from Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost to do something that requires action. The key word is action. A prompting is something that you must DO something about. The dictionary says that it is a verb. A verb means it is an action word. I want to share with you two videos. Both are about promptings our Prophet Thomas S. Monson received. The first is when he failed to act quickly, and the second is when he acted immediately. Click Here for the 1st video. Click here for the 2nd video.

Thomas S. Monson tells us that we must never, never, ever postpone a prompting. As we saw and heard in the 1st video, bad things can happen if we postpone a prompting and try to work on our own time table. We need to remember to trust the Lord and when we receive a prompting the time to act is now. Not 5 mins later, not a day later, but rather: right now. The Lord can see what's ahead and a lot of times the promptings we receive are to protect us or others and sometimes they are to get us to help someone who may be in need, and we can only reach them at that moment.

I know that it is not always "convenient" to stop what you are doing and follow a prompting, but I do know that if we can learn to stop, and do that thing we are prompted to do we will be blessed and so will the lives around us. We need to learn to act quickly and be obedient. By doing so we are showing the Lord that we trust Him and that He can depend on us to do the things He needs us to do when He needs them done. I feel as if Thomas S. Monson can say this better than I can, so I am going to share this with you. Click Here  I love the part (about half way) when he says: "I always want The Lord to know, if He needs an errand run Tom Monson will run that errand." This is my hope too: that if The Lord needs someone to be an answer to someone's prayer or He needs someone to do anything for Him: that I, Samantha Stout, will run that errand.

I add my testimony to Thomas S. Monson's that this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the work is true, and I know it. I love the gospel and I am so thankful that I know that if I don't postpone a prompting: I can help fulfill someone's prayer or need. I am so thankful for my Savior's example and His love for me.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


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