Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Importance of Unplugging and Looking Up

Is it time to unplug??

Today I want to talk you about the importance of unplugging from technology and actually being present, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. We live in a world where technology is very readily present and easily accessed. This can be either good or bad. Technology can be useful and bless our lives if we use it correctly and not too much. Technology becomes a problem when we are "connected" too often to it, or we use it inappropriately. Today I want to focus on why we need to "unplug", "disconnect" and "be present".

First, I want to talk about what it means to really be present in a situation. A lot of people, and not just teenagers anymore, are too focused on what their "friends" are saying on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Too focused on social media to the point that they aren't "really there." Sure they are there physically: but not mentally or emotionally. They are too busy looking down at a light on a screen that is always within their reach. Unplugging and being there means to give someone your attention; your full attention. (Click here to see a short video)

When we are constantly connected to social media, internet, video games, etc. we miss out on a lot of opportunities and relationships. The relationship that gets effected first and most easily is our relationship with our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I read once that "Technology isn't bad until it interferes with our relationship with others: especially our relationship with God." -unknown  Elder David A. Bednar (Quorum of the 12 Apostles) gave a talk entitled: "Things as They Really Are". At the end he asks two important questions that will help us to determine if we are unplugging or if we are just being distracted. Click here to watch a video clip about this talk. -If you want to read this whole talk, there is a link under the video!-

I want you to really think about these questions:
1. Does the use invite or impede the Holy Ghost?
2. Does it enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, love, and serve?
(and a question of my own)
3. Do you recognize easily when the time is appropriate to walk away from or turn off your "distraction" so that you can strengthen your relationship with others?

Asking ourselves these questions will help us to unplug and be present so that we don't miss out on sacred opportunities to strengthen relationships with others and our Father In Heaven.

One last thing I want to share with you. "Look Up" is a song found on the LDS youth music page. I really like this song because it helps me remember that I need to not only unplug, but I need to "look up" so that I can take advantage of the opportunities in my path that will lead me to serve others and to see my Heavenly Father's hand in my life more easily. Click here to listen to "Look Up".

I just want to add my testimony to today's blog post, that I know that "looking up" isn't easy. I know that we live in a time where it is really hard to take a step back and "unplug" so we can really be there for others. However, no matter how hard it may be, I know it is possible. I know that if we do unplug we will be blessed and we will be much, much happier. I know that we will be able to see the many blessings and different opportunities our Heavenly Father has blessed us with and we will be able to take advantage of the precious time we have here to serve others with a happier heart and be a blessing to them. If we can learn that our social media and technology isn't the key to having lots of friends and being happy, if we can learn to put it down and be present, if we can learn that we don't need to answer a text, tweet, etc. right away, if we can learn what's most important: we will be blessed and we will be the instrument and tool in the Lord's hands that He needs us to be. I know I still need to learn how to master this, and I know that I fail at this quite often: but that doesn't mean I am giving up! Every day is a new day and we can try again, and I know we will blessed for our efforts and some day we will be able to master it. Never give up. I know the Lord loves you and He knows you individually and He will help you get to where you need to be. I testify that this is true,

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


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