Sunday, August 3, 2014

Arise Today

How are you going to Arise? 
I hate to say it, but summer is coming to a quick close and school is approaching fast! As the school year is drawing near I have been thinking a lot about what this year means to me. This year I will be a Senior, so this is my last year in High School. This is a big year to me, so I have done a lot of pondering and praying about how I want people to remember me, and what I will do to make this year the best year I can make it. I have not come to a final conclusion yet, as I still have a lot to do in the next 2 weeks to prepare myself for this Senior year. However, I have decided that I do want people to remember me as someone who loved everyone, did her best to always be happy, was a friend to all, loves her Heavenly Father, stands up for what she believes in, and shares it with everyone. I want to be someone who “Arose and shared the light of Christ I am blessed with.” This is not going to be an easy task. And it will definitely take a lot of commitment, and action on my part. I am willing to do it however. If I want to do this: I have to quit being “lazy” and arise and do my part. This isn't something that just happens overnight on its own. As with everything else in the gospel, it is about the action you take. It is about you “arising” and getting to work.

I want to share with you a video entitled: Arise. This is a song that the LDS church made to remind the youth of the church to “Arise and let their good works shine before men that they might glorify their Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

As this school year approaches, I want to challenge you to think of what kind of a person you want to be this year. Pray about it, ponder it, and then get on your feet and work! Arise and shine! I know that it won’t be an easy task all the time: but I do know that it will pay off, you will make many new friends, you will be a blessing to many, and many will look up to and your example. Heavenly Father will bless you to do this work, and He will guide you to do and say the things He needs you too and when He needs you too. Have faith and trust in Him. I know this year will be a great one if you make Him your first priority.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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