Sunday, August 10, 2014

Have You Done Any Good?

How do you answer at the end of the day? 
I want to start off my message today with this song and story from the famous singer Alex Boye. This song is called: "Have I Done Any Good In The World Today?" (A rendition of a popular hymn) Think about this song as you read the rest of the this post. Click here

Every night as you lay down to sleep, ask yourself: "Have I done any good in the world today?" Are you able to recount your day's activities? Were you happy? Were you slow or fast to anger? How did you treat those you came in contact with? Did you judge too quickly, or did you kindly smile and lend a helping hand? Did you gossip? Did you say kind words? Were you a friend to all? Did you serve your Heavenly Father and put Him first before other things? Did you let your family know you love them? As you think about these answers, do you feel closer to your Heavenly Father, or do you feel guilty and needing to seek forgiveness?

Now I know that no one is perfect, and sometimes we have bad days, but as we review our day's activities each day: we know what we need to work on the next day. Each day we can strive to be better than the day before, and "do good" so that at the end of the day we feel closer to our Heavenly Father, and not far away.

How do we get there? May I suggest JOY. Jesus, Others, You. If we learn to put Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last: we will be happier and a more service-oriented people. Then at the end of the day when we ask: "Have I done any good in the world today?" We will surely answer yes.

As we use JOY in our lives, we will find that there are many around us that are fighting their own personal battles. We will be humbled and will be able to see that we can do much to reach out and help others. Thomas S. Monson* shared: "My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness—be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us." At a first glace, it may seem as if we have nothing to give and as if we already have too much to handle for ourselves but I promise you that if you put Jesus first, others second, and yourself last: you will be able to handle your battles with more strength, and you will be lifted up to higher grounds where you will find a safe harbor from your storms.

2 Nephi chapter 2 verse 3 says: "...thy days shall be spent in the service of thy God..." This scripture tells us that our job here on earth is to serve other! This scripture is the essence of JOY by serving others you are doing Christ's work, and serving His children, which in turn blesses you and those you serve. Jesus, Others, You.

Doctrine and Covenants Section 81 verse 5 says: "Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees." This scripture tells us to fulfill our duty on earth and spend our days doing Christ's work by serving others. Once again: JOY Jesus, Others, You.

I know that if we can learn to use JOY in our life and make it a habit to put Jesus first, others second and our needs last: we will see with clearer eyes, we will love others with a deeper love, we will feel the Spirit stronger and more profound, we will be a better tool and instrument in the Lord's hands, He will bless us with more strength for our own battles, we will be more forgiving, we will be a better family member, etc. Using JOY in our life and really using it everyday of our life makes our life better in every single way. I know that this is true, and I challenge you to find ways you can use JOY in your life more and more each day, especially as we all start this "new chapter" of another year of school. We will be able to pray: "O Lord, give me the will to mend; O Lord, change me from foe to friend; Dear Lord, sustain me to the end--"**

Now I ask you: As you walk out from a store, or from school: how did you treat that person in line next to you? Did you smile and brighten their day or did you text your friend instead? As that person dropped their books in the hall did you quickly stop to help, or simply walk away? Did you allow Heavenly Father to lead you to those you needed to see? When you saw your neighbor out getting mail did you wave and say 'How are you?' or did you simply walk away? Today did you have JOY? "Have you done any good in the world today?"

In the name of Jesus Christ,

*This talk is entitled "What have I done for someone today?" Click here to listen to the whole talk
** This is from a Hymn entitled: "O Love That Glorifies The Son" Click here to listen to the whole song.

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