Sunday, August 24, 2014

Trusting Heavenly Father

He Knows Me Better 
Today I wanted to share something that has been very profound to me lately. I wanted to share the sweet message of trusting in The Lord especially in the hardest times.

Right now I am going through a hard time in my life and things aren't going the way I had originally wanted or planned them too. Some nights I just want to quit trying because it seems as if my efforts are useless and worthless to those around me. I pray for things to go the way I want them too, and then they don't. This really frustrates me but I trust Heavenly Father knows what I need more and He knows better than I do.

There is a song called: "He knows me better" that I love dearly. (Click here to listen) It talks about how Heavenly Father knows our wants and needs better than we know them. He knows us better than we know ourselves. It reminded me that even though I may want (or think I need) something right now, sometimes that is not what I need according to The Lord. This song brings peace and comfort to me. “In a world of voices that say they have answers; I escape the noises, close my eyes and I turn to the one who sees all the pieces put together. He knows me better.” “He helps me see the depth of my purpose.” “His Love is the compass that guides us home.” These words touch my heart and help me to remember that He truly does know me better, and He will guide me to the place that is best for me. 

Sometimes people make fun of us because they do not understand things we do or why we do them. This is because they do not know our plan and purpose here on this earth. Although it is not their place to judge and laugh at us: this is a challenge that we must learn to love and deal with and trust that Heavenly Father will continue to watch  us and guide us to where we need to be. We need to love these people anyway and trust that in days to come it will be better and Heavenly Father will lead us to do and say what He needs us to do. 

I know that it is not easy to follow the Lord's plan and be happy about it 100% of the time. However I do know that it will be worth it. I cannot say I am perfect and I cannot say I have all the answers because I do not. But I do trust that if I am patient and trust The Lord with all my heart that He will lead and guide me to where I need to be and He will help me be the young woman He needs me to become. I know it is hard, and I am not going to say it isn't because I am in the middle of some things where all I can do is my very best and then trust in The Lord to take care of the rest for me. All I can do is trust Him. And I know it's not easy. But I do know that in the end it will all be okay, and it will all be worth it.

I know this is true and if we trust Heavenly Father, especially when it's not easy to trust and we feel all alone and like no one cares: He will bless us and it will be worth it. I know it.

In the name of Jesus Christ, 


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