Sunday, August 31, 2014

Simple Expressions of Love

You can be the Instrument that Heavenly Father needs. Express your love so others can see God's love more clearly.
Today I just wanted to share a short message about expressing your love for others. As I was looking over some stuff I thought I wanted to share with you all I stumbled across this short message from General Conference in April 2011. The message was given by Richard G. Scott (from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.) I decided I would watch the video to see what it was about. After watching the video I felt like I should change my topic I was going to write about today and share this new topic. So here I am! I wanted to share my thoughts about this subject, The LDS Church's thoughts on this topic, along with the video I came across, and lastly I want to share with you my testimony.

Love, what is love? The dictionary says that love is "a profound tender, passionate affection for another person. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend." The Bible dictionary says that love is "Love is a feeling of deep devotion, concern, and affection. The greatest example of God's love for His children is found in the infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. Love for God and fellow men is a characteristic of disciples of Jesus Christ.We manifest our love for Heavenly Father by keeping His commandments and serving His children. Our expressions of love for others may include being kind to them, listening to them, mourning with them, comforting them, serving them, praying for them, sharing the gospel with them, and being their friend. Our love for those around us increases when we remember that we are all children of God—that we are spirit brothers and sisters. The love that results from this realization has the power to transcend all boundaries of nation, creed, and color."

Notice the part that I highlighted. I highlighted this part because that is what I want to focus on today; How we can show (express) our love towards others. This leads me to the video I came across today. This video is entitled: "Simple Expressions of Love" Click here to watch. In this video Richard G. Scott shares his experience with expressing his love in simple terms. He tells how these simply expressed words and actions of love are ones he will never forget and how much it meant to his wife when she received them from him. (And also how much it meant to him to receive these little things from her.)

I loved watching this video so much that I clicked on the link at the bottom of the page to read the rest of his talk. (Which is entitled: "The Eternal Blessings of Marriage") I highly suggest you read the whole talk as well. It touched my heart and I know it will touch yours too. Click here to watch/listen to the whole talk.

As stated earlier love can be towards a parent, child, or friend. To me that means love can be to anyone! Since we are all brothers and sisters in the gospel. The section from the Bible Dictionary that reads "Our expressions of love for others may include being kind to them, listening to them, mourning with them, comforting them, serving them, praying for them, sharing the gospel with them, and being their friend." along with the video that I just shared: go hand in hand. Both talk about ways we can express our love for everyone. Whether we are "being kind", or "slipping notes to them in their books" we can always express our love towards others. Expressing our love towards others doesn't have to be a great big huge thing. In fact, I think that all the little things put together make up the big things.

To finish up, I want to challenge and encourage each of you to find a way to express your love to those around you this week. Find someone who is having a hard time and let them know you love them and are thinking about them. Let them know that you are their friend and you will be there for them. You can choose more than one "somebody" if you think you need too: but really pray and think about this. Find that person(s) who need you right now. Leave them a note on their bed or in their locker. Make them a treat, make their bed for them, say hi to them in the store or hall at school, pray for them. No matter what you decide to do: Let them know you love them. It's the little things that count.

I know that it's not a matter of "snapping our fingers" to figure out who we need to help and how but I know that if we pray and ponder about it: Heavenly Father will lead us to the right person, and He will inspire us to do the right thing. We will be able to be the Instrument the Lord needs us to be. We will be able to be an answer to someone's prayer. And even though you may not see the effects of your "expression of love", I promise you: you are making a difference and it will be greatly appreciated and remembered. It is the little things that change lives. Follow the promptings of the Spirit and do what the Lord needs you to do this week. I know this will bless your life and the life (or lives) of those you help and express love and gratitude to this week. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us and with His help: we can help those around us feel of the love He has for each of us by expressing love to them.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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