Sunday, September 21, 2014

You Never Know The Impact You Have

You never know the impact you have. 
Spend your time in service to others doing the Lord's work.
Today I just want to share something that ties into what I shared 2 weeks ago entitled: "Parent to Child Relationships". I don't think this video was available when I shared that message so I want to share it now. Although this video is specifically about a mom and her children I believe it can relate to all of us. This message tells us that "we often do not see the affects of our work and how they bless the lives of those around us." This can often be discouraging and make us feel useless and like no one really cares: when in fact they do care, and they care a lot. You may never know the impact your example has on others and how much they may look up to you. Sometimes it takes the eyes of an "outsider" to our problems to help us see the good we did that day. Listen and accept their compliments/comments because you are doing good.

This video is based off a talk for the women of the church, however I know that it can be for everyone because I know that at times we all feel this way. Like no one cares or notices all we do. I promise you that your efforts are recognized and very much appreciated. Do not give up. Do not quit doing the work you do for others. You may never know how much they appreciate and need you, but Heavenly Father sees that work you do for others and He will bless you immensely for it.

I just want to say to anyone who thinks all they do is a waste and no one cares: You matter. I care. You are amazing and I know that you are working hard. We just happen to live in a time where people are less thankful and less willing to express their thanks out loud. I want to say thank you however. I want you to know that I am thankful for your example and hope that I can be an example too. To parents especially who feel that between work, callings, family, etc. there is no time to do all you need to do everyday: remember to make God your priority and He will make sure that the things that need to get done every day get done. This may not be what you think needs done, but it is what Heavenly Father needs done to help His children. Follow the promptings of the spirit and you will be able to continue to do great things. Thank you to everyone who does anything to help others. You are making the world a better place.

I just want to close with the video: "You Never Know" Click here to watch.

"Many of you think you are failures. You feel you cannot do well, that with all of your effort it is not sufficient. We all worry about our performance. We all wish we could do better. But unfortunately we do not realize, we do not often see the results that come of what we do. You never know how much good you do." -President Gordon B. Hinckley (Oct. 2003- Excerpts from: To The Women Of the Church)*

In The Name of Jesus Christ,


*This talk is amazing and if you want to read the whole thing: Click here.

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