Sunday, September 28, 2014

Being A Light To The Nations Can Be Simple

Shine :)
In The LDS Church, you always here the phrase: "Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard to the nations." (Doctrine and Covenants section 115 verse 5) or "Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." (Matt. 5:16) What do these phrases mean? What light? How do I shine? Have you ever wondered these things? Well today I want to share with you my testimony about these things and I want to share a Mormon Message with you as well.

Let's start with the question: "What light are these phrases talking about?" The light mentioned in these phrases (or verses) is not a physical light like a flash light or a light in the ceiling. The light mentioned here is a spiritual light; The Light Of Christ. Now you may ask: "What is the Light Of Christ?" tells us "The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them to receive the Holy Ghost. One manifestation of the Light of Christ is what we call a conscience. Conscience is a manifestation of the Light of Christ, enabling us to judge good from evil." To me the Light of Christ is a way of having Christlike attributes.* To read more about the Light of Christ Click here.

The next question that you are probably asking is: "How can I be a light or how can I share/shine my light?" First you need to know that every single person has the Light of Christ. We are all born with it. Some people just show it more than others. Some people don't know they have the Light of Christ so they don't know how to share it. I want to share with you a story of a young man who figured out how he could make a difference and how he could share the Light of Christ. Click here to watch the video about Brandon.
Now, you don't need to go to a third world country to share the Light of Christ: but you can serve others. I believe that is one of the biggest ways we can share and shine our Light from Christ. When you are serving others you are doing what Christ has asked you to do and you are doing physically what Christ cannot do, that you must do for Him. Christ sends His spirit to whisper to you promptings of how to help His people and you must act. Christ cannot make you do anything: you must choose to follow His guidance. When you choose to follow Christ and be an example and help His people, you are sharing His light.

The final question: "What do these phrases/verses mean? or How can I apply them to my life?"
I believe that these verses can be applied to our lives quite easily. All we have to do is live them. By this I mean: recognize that you are a son/daughter of our Living Father in Heaven and He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live and die for you. Recognize His Light in your life; realize you have that light inside of you and you can share it too. Then "Get on your feet and work." Share the gospel and serve those around you. It is really very simple to serve. Service doesn't always have to be some great big project. Service can be all the little things. A simple smile, a simple wave, simply picking up a friend from school and driving them home, simply listening to someone talk about their hard day, etc. These are acts of service too and they will help you shine your light as well. And in the end: all the little things that you do to serve others add up to all the big things. Some of those little things will be the things that people never forget about you; they will be the things that people will always appreciate.

In closing I want to share a short video about how a young girl shared the Light she was given and how it changed someone's life. I really look up to this young girl, and although I do not know her personally: she is an example to me of something I want to become. All because she shared her light, and in a very simple way. Click here to watch.

I just want to say I know that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that with all my heart, I love it with all my heart and that is why I try to share the Light Of Christ that I have been blessed with. That is why I have this blog, that is why I read my scriptures, that is why I talk to my friends about the gospel. I know it is true and I know the happiness it brings me is eternal happiness and it is happiness that cannot be found any other place and that is why I want to share it with you every week. I want you to have it too. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you with all their heart and want you to be happy. Let the truthfulness of the gospel bless your lives forever like it has mine.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


*Christlike attributes: I just love this short video and if you are wondering what some attributes of Christ are this video answers that question. Watch here.

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