Sunday, October 19, 2014

Some Things To Share (Part 2)

Last week I started a string of posts including the October 2014 General Conference highlights. Last week I added some Saturday Afternoon talks with the Morning session. I didn't realize I did this until later into the week. So this week I will be adding some from different sessions and I will say what session they are from.

"Continuing Revelation" Given by President Boyd K. Packer (Sunday Morning).
This talk tells us how we need not one flash of light to lead our lives, but a continuing flow (stream) of blessings. We, as a church and as an individual, need constant revelation from Heavenly Father; revelation is not a "thing of old" or a "one time happening," rather a continuous flow. Personal revelation is a gift, and we should never take it lightly as it is specifically for us.

"Ponder the Path of Thy Feet" Given by President Thomas S. Monson. (Sunday Morning)
In this talk we are told that "walking where Jesus walked is less important than walking AS He walked." We need to learn to emulate His example and gain His attributes so we can be better disciples and "come follow Him". We can all walk the path He walked if we choose to be like Him. He is the way. Our "decisions determine our destiny" and we must walk as He walked. Learn to do the Lord's will, not yours and always remember that His path will take you safely home.

"Our Personal Ministries" Given by Elder Hugo E. Martinez (Sunday Afternoon).
In this talk we are reminded to "first observe, then serve." We are told that if we see the opportunity to serve, that we must take the initiative to help and be The Lord's instrument. We must allow ourselves to be placed in people's lives to bless and help them. Remember that when you are doing these things unto His children, ye are doing it unto Him.

"Come and See" Given by Elder David A Bednar (Sunday Afternoon).
I mentioned this talk the week of conference. I wanted to share it again because I love it so much. We as Latter Day Saints are not trying to sell you a product, we are not earning "bonus points" with anyone, we are not trying to convince you to believe as we do, we are simply inviting you to come to know for yourself if the things we believe are true. We are not trying to diminish your religion. Bring all that you know to be true and test our message. Come and see if the restored gospel of Jesus Christ enlarges and enriches that which you already know to be true.

These are the talks I wanted to share with you this week. I just want to bear my testimony along with these, that I know that the restored gospel is the true gospel. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet. I know that there had to be a restoration of the true gospel because the priesthood power was taken off the earth after all the apostles died. I know that Joseph Smith, through the power of Heavenly Father, restored that gospel and now we are blessed again with the true gospel and the power of the priesthood. I am so thankful for this knowledge and invite you to learn more about it. I know that it is true and I hope and pray that you too will find for yourself that is it true. I love it with all my heart and the happiness it brings me is the best thing I will ever experience.

I say these things in the Name of Jesus Christ,


*These are the links to the full talks.


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