Sunday, October 12, 2014

Some Things To Share (Part One)

As I told last week, General Conference was last week. In light of that, I wanted to share some of the highlight videos that came out this past week from Conference. Along with the highlight video I will include the link for the full talk given so that if the highlight touches your heart and you wish to learn more, you will be able to easily access the rest of the talk.* (To watch the highlight, click on the title.) This week I will be sharing some of the talks from the first session of Conference, and will share other sessions through out the weeks to come.

"Which Way Do You Face?" Given by Elder Lynn G. Robbins. In this talk we are asked to evaluate our lives and ask ourselves "Which way am I facing?" This means that we either face towards our Father, or away from Him. In this talk we are told some ways to always face our Father, just as Christ always faced His Father. 

"The Reason For Our Hope" Given by President Boyd K. Packer. President Packer talks to us about how the Atonement is the reason we don't ever have to give up. He tells us how we are to use the Atonement to give us hope and peace in hard times. The Atonement is available to all who choose to use it. We are told that our price has already been paid. 

"Loving and Living with Differences" Given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, in this talk we are instructed to love all, even though we may be different we are all God's children and He loves each of us, so we must love each other. In this talk we are told that it is okay to disagree with other's opinions, but we should not be disagreeable; avoid contention. We need to be examples of Christ. 

"Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth" Given by: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. This talk tells us that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not for "perfect" people, (because people aren't perfect) rather for people to be perfected in Christ. We are instructed that no matter how big or small our testimony or Light may be: the gospel is for each of us. We must not condemn others, rather come together and strengthen them.

"Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" Given by Elder Jorg Klebingat, in this talk we are reminded that trials are part of our mortal experience and they are the way we learn and grow on earth. Trials can come for different reasons, but no matter the trial we can come unto God and say with confidence "Let's do this."

"Are We Not All Beggars?" Given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. In this talk we are reminded that we are all beggars. We are reminded that we must give to the poor and help in as many ways as we can. "I am my brother's brother: and because I have been given much I too must give." We need to learn to give as the Savior gives: all He has.

These are the talks that I chose to share from the first part of Conference. I hope that these talks help you in some way. I know that the words spoken were all truthful and from our Savior and Father in Heaven. I know they love us dearly and they desire for us to return to live with them and that is part of the reason why they blessed us with living prophets and apostles so that they could teach us still. I know this is true.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, 


*Full talks: 

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