Sunday, November 23, 2014

DAILY Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches I wanted share a short sweet message with you about giving thanks daily and not just during this time of "Thanksgiving." At this time of year I  think it becomes "too easy" to be thankful, because "everyone is doing it." At this time of year it is all too easy to say "I am thankful for this, this, this, etc." It has become all too easy for us to "make gratitude lists" at this time of year because it's somewhat expected of us. Why? Because everyone is doing it.

I believe that we need to learn to be grateful in any circumstance, no matter the time of year or what season of life we may be in. Being grateful should be a way of life, not a "list" or holiday season. We need to learn that being grateful is not a matter of list making, rather a way of living. Now I am not saying that Thanksgiving isn't good; I love Thanksgiving with all my heart! I'm just trying to say that we need to learn to be thankful always and not just when it is the "common" or "cool" thing to be doing right now.

"How do I get there?" You might ask: well I do not have that answer. However, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf does! In the April 2014 General Conference he gave a talk entitled: "Grateful In Any Circumstance." I have listened to this talk over and over during the past couple of weeks trying to learn how I can be a better daughter of God and learn how to be grateful always and not just during this time of year. I particularly wanted to study how to be grateful during times of trial and heart ache. I wanted to share this talk with you today. Click Here To watch. This talk gave me comfort and helped me to find many answers. Now developing a better attitude is not an over night fix. This is something that can take a long time, with many trial and errors, but I know that we can get there. I am not there yet, but I can say with confidence, I am better now than I was before. I know you can be too. Once you make the decision to change, you can do miraculous things.

In closing I want to share two more short videos with you. These videos really "hit home" for me. I am not sure why, although I do know that they make me want to try harder to do a little better. May these videos do the same for you, and together each day we can try harder to be a little better, and by doing so we will both help each other come closer to Christ daily.
 The first video is called: Thanksgiving Daily.
The second video is called: President Monson-On Gratitude

I just want to say that I know these things are true. I know that if we choose to try harder we can do anything with God's help. I also know that developing an attitude of thanksgiving daily will bless our lives, bring us closer to God, and open our eyes to new and better days to come. I know the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ,


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