Sunday, November 16, 2014

We Can Do Hard Things

The past few weeks have been crazy and full of ups and downs for me. The weeks ahead are looking quite busy too. Trying to stay happy about everything when it all seems to be going wrong is really challenging and sometimes quite frustrating. Sometimes it takes all I have to not cry out in anger that things aren't working out the way I planned or hoped they would. I try so hard to remember to turn to my Father in Heaven because He knows all. But I must admit this isn't always easy. I am human, therefore I am no where near perfect. It can be somewhat of a challenge for me to let myself be guided completely trusting in The Lord, without questions. I trust the Savior, but sometimes when I do not know the potential outcome I have a hard time doing what He needs me to do. I must remember to walk by faith and not by sight.

Lately I have been trying to figure out some things in my life and trying to organize my time and use it more wisely so that I can accomplish more in a single day. To do this I have been praying quite a bit more. Some days I feel I can conquer the world, while others I feel like it's all crashing down on me. Some days I feel surrounded by love while others I feel isolated and unwanted. However no matter what, I always know that God is there, even though I can't see Him, and sometimes I am unsure of where He is leading me- I know that He will never lead me somewhere I cannot go, He will never bring me to a mountain I cannot climb. I know He will always be there to catch me when I fall.

I just wanted to share my testimony of this today. I know that although our mountains may seem like we will never get to the top, with God's help: we can conquer any mountain and when we do get to the mighty top: the view will be tremendously glorious. He will take us in His arms and say: "My child, why did you ever doubt me? For I love you. With me, you are always safe. Have faith in Me." And gesturing to the valley and mountains you traveled He will say: "Look, at all you have done. My child, you did it. I love you." Standing there in that moment, you will realize everything was worth it. In that moment, every heart break, every hurt, every pain, every sorrow, every lesson, every thought of giving up- but moving forward anyway, every trouble: will all be worth it.

Brothers and Sisters I want to testify to you that I know He lives. I know He loves each of us as individuals, and He does in fact know you. I know He feels every stress, pain, heart break, and tear you cry, because He already felt it for you. Because of Him: you will never be alone. He knows your name. He knows your favorite food, color, and song. He loves you, and He will lift you up that mountain. He will carry you. You are not lost. You will never be left. No matter where you are in your life, no matter what sin you have committed, no matter what amount of pain you are enduring, He still loves you with an infinite love. You are His child; He loves you with a perfect love, individually and completely. Nothing you can ever do will change that love for you; it is simply and perfectly always there. He is always waiting for you. Don't you give up. You keep on enduring; I know the journey seems long and unbearable, but that day will come if you endure to the bitter end. He will take you in His arms and say: "I love you child. Do not fear, I am here."

In the name of Jesus Christ,



jjlove said...

What a great reminder of our Heavenly Fathers love. Enduring our trials isn't easy- but I am glad to know He is there to lead and guide me along the way. Thanks for your testimony and sweet spirit.

Unknown said...

I am glad that this helped you out! I hope you know that you are truly an amazing example of enduring hard things. I really look up to you! Love you!
Love, Samantha