Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Lord, I Believe" By Jeffery R Holland

"Lord, I believe"
Quite honestly, I am not sure why I am sharing this talk with you today.* I was planning on sharing something else, completely different from this, but as I tried to prepare that other idea for my blog, this talk kept coming to my mind. I feel as if I need to share with you this talk today. I am not sure who needs this, or why, but I do know that someone does, and The Lord will direct me to write what I need too.

This talk (Lord, I Believe) was given by Jeffery R Holland, from the quorum of the 12 apostles, in the April 2013 general conference. I remember when this talk was delivered, I felt like it was written for me specifically. At that point in my life I was looking for answers to some very hard questions. I was trying to direct my life where the Savior needed me to be, not quite sure of how to even ask for His help. "Hold fast to what you do believe" has always stood out and still rings in my ears. I wasn't sure if I knew everything I had been told about the church was true; I wasn't sure if I understood. But I did know that I believed something was right, I believed that it was true, but I didn't yet know. I was starting to loose hope; I was getting confused and lost. When Elder Holland gave this talk it was my anchor. I held fast to what I knew was true. I held fast to what I believed and I worked, and am still working to truly gain the knowledge I need to be a worthy disciple of Christ, to be a teacher, and to know for myself that my beliefs are in fact true.

One thing I know for sure is that this Church, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true. I know that now. I wish to share that with you every week, that I do in fact know of its truthfulness and I pray that you will know too. If you do not know, hold onto belief, for just as I did, and many have done before me: holding fast to belief will bring you knowledge and truth.

I want to share this talk with you, and share my testimony that although I do not know all things, I know that this church is true. I know Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet, and he did in fact restore the true gospel on the earth today. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real, and I have experienced its power in my life. I know that families can be together forever. I know that we are blessed to have a living prophet, Thomas S Monson, on the earth today and that The Lord still speaks to him. I know that the power of prayer is real. I know Heavenly Father hears us when we pray and He answers us. I know He loves us. I know we are His children. I know these things. And I pray that you at least believe them. I pray that you too will be able to find the truth of these things. I know you can and will if you ask The Lord to answer your questions, to make the truth made known: in His time, He will let you know the truth. Do not give up. Do not let go of the truths you believe to be true. You will know.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ,


*Click here to listen to the talk "Lord, I believe" by Jeffery R Holland

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