Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy New Year!!

He will catch you if you fall: Just have faith to Leap! 
Christmas is now over, and now we are all facing the start of a new year: 2015! I am very excited and very nervous about 2015 because this year is going to bring a lot of change in my life as it is the year I will graduate high school, (maybe) move out, go to college, and really take off on my own. As I look toward this New Year it is very scary, but very exciting. This year will be the year of choices and moving forward to the things God has in store for me. It's going to take a lot of faith and trust in Him: because I am terrified to grow up. However, I know that I can do hard things because The Lord will be by my side. I need to trust Him, and go the direction He has chosen for me; building my faith in Him. I will need to look ahead, not back. No matter how scary it may seem: I can't "look back" I must have faith and look forward; trusting that what God has in store for me is bigger and better than I can imagine. I need to remember that He loves me, and He will help me.

In thinking about this: I wanted to share this video I found with you. It's called: New Year's: Look Not Behind Thee

Now I know that none of us are perfect and we will inevitably mess up: but remember, Everyday is the beginning of the rest of your life. Everyday is the start of a "New Year." Remember God loves you: and through the Atonement, we can be forgiven, and the Atonement can enable us to be better and come closer to Christ, following the path He has set for us. I know it's not always easy, and sometimes we have to "fall before we can fly" but trust in God that He knows what He is doing and His path is the right path: the way to true happiness and success. As you think about your new year ahead of you: remember to trust in Him, and to have faith to leap. He is there, and He will catch you if you fall. I know this is true. I know He loves you. Please remember Him, and pray and match your goals for yourself with the goals and dreams He has for you too. I know it will be worth it in the end. Don't give up: and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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