Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Light Experience

Let your light shine in every way possible.
This week I want to share with you an experience I had this past week. I did not plan for it to be like this, but this is what happened so I want to share it with you today! This past week, I had an experience with The Light Of Christ! Actually there were a few small experiences, and then one bigger experience that changed my life.

Let's start with the smaller experiences:
First, I was sitting by a girl I know from school in the chapel of an LDS church meeting house waiting for an activity to start. This young lady is one of the more popular girls at school, and I am not. This beautiful young lady turned and told me: "Samantha, I just wanted to let you know that I think your eyes are beautiful. It's like they are smiling all the time. The light radiates through your eyes and makes you shine. Thank you for being an example to me." Little did she know how much that meant to me. At a time where I was feeling alone and useless to others: she told me that I, the "invisible" girl at school, was an example to her, the popular, beautiful girl at school that everyone knows.
Second, I was sitting in seminary this week, and we were learning about Christ's light and how it makes people "shine" when they choose to follow Him. My teacher turned to the class and asked us "Who do you know that is 'shiny'?" Everyone immediately started naming people from school, people that most of the class knew. My teacher then answered and said: "You know who I think is shiny? I think all the people you named are shiny, but I also believe that Samantha Stout is shiny." Everyone turned to me and started nodding and saying nice things about me and how I was an example to them too. I don't know why my seminary teacher chose me, out of all the kids she teaches and has taught, but I do know that it made me feel visible and loved, and like my hard work to be happy and help others wasn't useless.

Now for the bigger experience of the week:
This past week I had the opportunity to go help with special needs mutual (Young Men's/Young Women's for the disabled) What a magnificent experience that was. I was surrounded by these beautiful people from ages 12 to 75 for about two hours. These people have a spirit that can only be felt when you are in the midst of "shiny" people; for every single one of these "disabled" people carries around the Light Of Christ, and it shines brighter in them than any person I know. They are truly angels sent to live among us. Being with them brightened my heart and soul. The way they smile and love every single person they meet is incredible. They don't care if you are rich or poor, they don't care if you are popular or shy. They don't care what your circumstances are: they love you unconditionally the way Christ loves each of us. When leaving them, I couldn't help but think: "They aren't ones who are disabled, for I hold the disability. They see with the eyes of Christ, and they love every single person as He does. They love you immediately, as if you are an old friend, just as Christ would. They judge not, and love all. Oh how I wish I could be like unto them." How blessed I was to be in their presence, for I was supposed to be teaching them; but they were the ones who did all the teaching. We are told to surround ourselves with greatness. These people are great, and changed my life. I would say unto you: surround yourself with their greatness for they are truly angels.

I want to close with a short video and my testimony. The video is called: Angels in Disguise This video taught me that when we surround ourselves with angels, (or people with the constant true gospel Light Of Christ) we too can become angels. Brothers and Sisters I wonder what our lives would be like if we too were "angels in disguise." I invite you to serve others, mourn with those that mourn, comfort those in need of comfort, visit the sick, clothe the naked, teach the gospel, and love all around you. I invite you to talk to all those you pass on the street and open your mouth, for it shall be filled. Join with me in becoming "angels in disguise" and angels will dot the earth and prepare the world for the time when He shall come again: for it cometh quickly. Do not wait, the time is now.
In the name Of Jesus Christ,


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