Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Testimony

He Lives, and because He lives... I can overcome anything.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On this beautiful Easter Sunday I do not wish to distract from the amazing Spirit of Easter and Conference. So today I wish to simply bear my testimony that I know He lives, and because He lives anything is possible. Because He lived and died for me, because He felt every pain, sorrow, affliction, worry, heartache, joy, happiness, He felt everything! So I never ever have to be alone! I know that we have a living prophet today, Prophet Thomas S. Monson, and I know that He receives modern day revelation on behalf of the whole Church. I know that Joseph Smith, although a young and uneducated boy, did in fact restore the truthfulness of the Gospel on the Earth today and that He did in fact translate the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book Of Mormon is the truest book in the world and that nothing will ever change that. I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is the one and only completely true Church in the whole world. This I know because He lives. Because He was resurrected for each of us to live again with Him someday. Oh how glorious that day will be when we can each kneel at His feet and cry "Savior, I have done all I could do. Please take me home to live with Thee again." And He will reply: "My child, well done. I love you." And with open arms He will embrace every one of us. He loves each of us no matter what. Because of Him we can be clean no matter how many times we mess up- His Atonement is infinite and eternal, and it will clean every stain and scar we have- no matter how great it may be. I know this is true. I want to leave you with this, in the Holy Sacred Name of Jesus Christ,


Ps. General Conference has been absolutely amazing. If you haven't had the chance to listen to all the sessions, I highly recommend and encourage you to to go to and see what we were taught. It has been truly beautiful and inspiring.

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