Sunday, April 12, 2015

I Choose To Follow The Prophet

Follow The Prophet 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last week at conference something a little unusual happened. When we were asked to sustain our leaders (the prophet and apostles and others) there was a group at the conference center that stood up and shouted their opposing vote. I had never seen this happen before, and so it got me thinking: "Why do the people feel this way?" I know that the Prophet is chosen of God and that all His leaders are called by Him, so I felt a sting a pain and sorrow for them that they did not know this simple truth. As I went about my week, I found a video about following the prophet and wanted to share it with you.

First I want to share this: I am not perfect, and I will admit that following the prophet was not always easy for me. I used to think: "Oh that piece of council isn't for me" or "I am the exception to that." Oh how very wrong I was- I had to go through some great repentance to get my life back on track, all because I thought I didn't need to listen to or follow the prophet. No one is the exception- no one is perfect, so no one is exempt from the council he gives. However, because of those experiences, I can stand before you today and say without a doubt that I know that modern day revelation is true. I know the prophet is truly called of God and that he truly does know what he's talking about and we need to follow the council he gives us from God.

Now I wish to share with you this video about following the prophet, even when it's not easy and it may be unpopular. The video is called: Follow The Prophet

I just want to end with my testimony of the prophet. I want you to know that I know he is called of God. I know that God speaks to him and that modern revelation is in fact happening. I want you to know that even when following the prophet isn't "cool" or it may seem "popular" or even criticized by the world- it is the best choice you can make. Following him, and the council he gives us from God will truly bless your life. Heavenly Father will see your efforts to come unto Him and He will bless you for that. I know this is true with all my heart.
I leave this witness with you in the name of Jesus Christ,


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