Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Service Reality Check

SERVE! :) 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today I had the opportunity to speak in church because I am graduating from Seminary in a few weeks. I shared about an experience I had in seminary of a lesson that touched my heart. The lesson was about serving others and never suppressing a generous thought. What I took from this lesson is this: If we ever feel that we should do something for someone else- no matter how "silly" it may be: we need to do it! Life is all about service: so let's go out and serve!
In Doctrine and Covenants section 136 verses 32-33 it reads: "Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself and calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that he may hear; For my Spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble and contrite.." This scripture, to me, means that if we humble ourselves enough to ask God for guidance to help others: He will truly send His spirit upon you to enlighten your mind and heart and guide you to help others. When we ask, we must be willing to ACT when He sends us the opportunity we prayed for. We must have faith and confidence- even if we feel silly at first. Service is always a little awkward at first, but after we learn that it's not about us- it's about the people we are serving: it becomes an act full of love for those around us, and we become more like Christ.

I want to share a video with you about a group of men who chose to put their needs behind them- even though it was difficult and felt more like a burden at first, they serve this woman in their neighborhood every single day in a way that she desperately needs. This video has special meaning to me because I am a Nursing Assistant, and I understand the struggle that these men face. They are helping a woman with things she cannot do for herself. Every night it is a long and sometimes painstaking process to help her. Being a nurse I totally understand what these men are feeling, because I have to do this type of thing daily when I am at work- and yes: I complain quite frequently about these tasks. After watching these men, hearing their testimonies and seeing the joy it brings this woman: I was taken back and truly humbled. These men do my job every single night for this woman, with zero pay, and they love her. I get paid to do this job at my work and I complain. I am not taking this opportunity to see the beauty of my job. It is a very hard work, and it takes a special spirit to do it, and love it- one that I truly need to work harder on, and after watching this video: I am going too. Hopefully this video will help you see others through the eyes of God too. Click here to watch "Lift."

In closing I just want to say that I love the Gospel. I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have been blessed with to serve my fellow men and women and I hope that as I strive to be more like Christ, that I can truly take advantage of the opportunities I have right in front me, weather at work, home, school. or play. I hope that you too can take time and give your time and your heart to God to serve others and do His work. I know it will change your life. Join with me in doing a "generous thought" every single day! Even if it's just a small note for a neighbor/friend letting them know that you appreciate them. NEVER SUPPRESS A GENEROUS THOUGHT! You never know who's life you will change and bless. Heavenly Father will guide you if you ask Him. Trust Him, and follow Him. Always remember that He loves you!

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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