Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today Is Short

My mom is my best friend :) 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today I just wanted to be short so that you can all go spend time with your fabulous moms for mothers day! I just wanted to share a short message. This week I wanted to share with you that I know that Mother's are amazing. To be a mother requires a lot of effort, well I guess all your effort- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for eternity! There are no breaks, no "time outs," no rest periods, no pay, no sick days, no holidays, etc. It is always and forever your job. You must be able to cook, teach, be a nurse, a councilor, a best friend, a listener, a discipliner, a referee, a chaperone, and much more all at the same time! And you have to do this no matter how you feel. If your sick, if your hurt, it doesn't matter- you never cease being mom. This is why Heavenly Father endows mothers with a special and loving talent and compassion for their families and children. And that is why: I love my mom. She never ever quits. I know that it's not easy and that we, her children, can be pains a lot of the time, but she loves us. She loves us when she's happy, when she's mad, when we are dumb, when we mess up, she loves us unconditionally and forever. I know she will always be there and I know that no matter what: she will always be my mom- and she won't just say she's my mom: she shows me every single day in all her actions and things she does for me and our family. Every one that comes into our home can feel the love she has for us and they see and partake of all the hard work, the years of sacrifice and love and endurance in the walls of our home. My mom is my dad's best friend- no matter what he does. She supports him in all his crazy hobbies, she takes him food at work, she makes sure he gets things done, she helps him in his callings, she does everything for him too. My mom is always so busy doing things for others that I don't know when she does things for herself- in fact I know there are many days where she goes to bed not having "checked off" her list for the day because she was too busy helping us get our lists checked off. We are her priority and we know that because she shows and loves us always. I don't know how else to express my love and appreciation for my wonderful mom other than to say: Mom, I love you and if I can be half the mom you are, I will feel like super woman. You are my perfect example. You are my best friend. You are always there. You help me draw closer to Christ. I know that Heavenly Father blessed me with you as my mom for a reason. I know you are chosen for a great work and that you are special. You are my mom- and I wouldn't change that for anything. I love you mom. Thank you.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


ps. take time today to say thank you to your mom! :)

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