Sunday, July 5, 2015

This Life- What are you doing with it??

Provo City Center Temple
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This weekend was a crazy one for my family and I. This week we had many events happening because it was the 4th of July! We had the biggest Military truck outpost in Utah County, the Freedom Festival Parade, The Candy bomber candy drop, a live bald Eagle demonstration, retiring of the American flag, and many more things. It was the craziest week of my whole life! I learned so many lessons, and spent so much time surrounded by family doing what my family does best. I loved every minute of it- and a lesson was learned every hour. I wouldn't trade it for the world! 

I wanted to share one experience I had that really stuck out to me. This happened during the morning of July 4- at the Freedom Festival parade. We were all very tired, as this was our last day of our huge event. We were supposed to have volunteers to hold our banners for the parade, but last minute found out we did not. I wanted to help my dad in any way I could- so last minute, my siblings and I stepped up and instead resting and watching the parade like we were supposed too, we jumped in and offered to be the sign holders. This had been a long, long, long week for us- and although 3.5 miles doesn't seem very long, when your holding a banner, you've had very little sleep that week, you've been in the sun for 4 days prior, and it's humid- 3.5 miles seems like the longest walk of your life. But I was going to do it without complaining because my dad needed me. 

Before the parade we were given instructions of what we could and couldn't do with the banners. We were instructed to not spin our banners, as we could fall and get hurt and the banners could get ruined. While I walked I thought "Oh no biggie! I got this. I've walked parades enough to know what to do." However I was wrong. As we walked, the crowd would yell at us to "spin the sign!" At first I thought it'd be easy to ignore the people, until they started calling us names and being rude. Suddenly all I wanted was for the parade to be over. But then up ahead, I saw the Provo City Center Temple. As I looked at the temple in the distance, I was filled with peace and I got to thinking. 

This life is much like that parade. We were all given instructions before we came down to earth, then we crossed the line into mortal life and we had to make the choices for ourselves: Do we obey those instructions, or rebel? The parade route is like the straight and narrow path back to our Father in Heaven. There is only ONE way back to Him- and that is through obedience, Faith, and action on our part. Just as I had to obey the parade instructions, have faith that I could make it to the end, and have action in my body to walk and endure the path no matter what the crowd yelled at me. The crowd is like the world. They will always be screaming at us that we aren't good enough, calling us names, and making us doubt the instructions we were given. But we must keep our sights on the temple and the Celestial Glory found there. If we falter on our path and give into the ways of the world, we could get really hurt, physically or spiritually. If we want to be successful and end the "parade of life" smiling and ready to meet God, we must always have our sights set on the temple. We must do all we can to be worthy. We must become one with the Atonement of Jesus Christ and use it to be cleansed and have strength every single day of our life. We cannot walk this "parade" alone. We must always have the temple in our hearts and mind and overcome the ways of world- no matter what they say about us or to us. As long as God is with you- you will never lose. 

In closing I want to share this song with you. It is called "This Life". Click here to watch

I want to challenge you to think about your "parade of life" and the lyrics of this song: 
"Let's make every second count. This life is a matter of time, we've only got so much before we leave it behind what will we do with it? What are you doing with this life? "

I just want to bear my testimony that I know our Savior lives and loves each one of us. I know that with Him and the Atonement He blessed us with, we can overcome the world and we can stay on the path to the temple. I know that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true and I love it with all my heart. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, 


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