Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Mission Papers

I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Let's start with a video: Watch here

Do you remember where you were when this was announced in October of 2012? I sure do. I remember being filled with Spirit and knowing inside, that someday I would go on a mission. I pushed that thought aside as soon as it came to me however because I never before said I was going on a mission, so I wasn't changing my mind now. But oh boy did the Lord have a different plan for me!

Today I wish to share with you an experience I started today, that is leading to the biggest adventure I've had to this point in my life. Today I officially started my mission papers!!! (This means that I started meeting with my bishop to get things in order, and started doing the paper work to be recommended to the the first presidency of the church to be assigned a mission call.)

I cannot believe this day is here already. I feel like just yesterday I "announced" my decision to go on a mission. (announced on Jan 18, 2015!) I was so excited and could not wait to get everything in motion and get out on a mission. I could not start my papers that early though, so I had to wait: and now the wait is over!!

My availability date is December 26, 2015
The date I can submit my papers (120 days prior to availability date) is August 28, 2015! That's in 9 weeks!

I just want to bear my testimony that I know that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church on the earth today. I know that the Priesthood has been restored to the earth in this dispensation by the true prophet Joseph Smith. I know that our church is led and guided by a living prophet, Thomas S Monson, and his apostles. I know that the sealing power in the temple is real and that by that power I can be with my family forever if I choose to follow Christ in my mortal life. I know that temple is sacred and that the family is ordained of God. I know that marriage is a beautiful gift from God, and that it is ordained for a man and a woman. I know that inside the temple we find peace, and we can do work for the dead. I know that this life is not the end, that Christ and Heavenly Father are waiting for us in mansions above. I know each of us has a divine mission on earth- not of us are a "mistake" or forgotten. I know we are here to learn. I know that I am daughter of God. We are all His children. I know the power of the Atonement is real and I have been cleansed by it. I have been healed, and I have been lifted because Christ died for me. He loves us, He knows us, and He never leaves us. I know that this true. And I cannot wait to share that message with the people I will be called to teach. I love Him with all my heart, might, mind, and strength and I cannot wait to serve Him full time.

I bear this testimony,
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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