Sunday, September 6, 2015

The "Trade Mark" of The Lord's Love

Tender mercies are real- how do you recognize them?
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

What is a trade mark? The dictionary says:
 "a distinctive mark or figure of or identified with a person or thing. synonyms: logo, brand, emblem, sign, mark, stamp, symbol, badge, crest"
So let's take the synonyms "sign, mark, emblem, symbol" and ask our selves: "What is the trade mark (or symbol/sign/mark/emblem) of The Lord's love for us? Here is my story:

This week I was sitting in one of my Book Of Mormon institute classes and we came across a verse in 1 Nephi Chapter 1 Verse 20. It reads: (with emphasis added) "...But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."

Brother and Sisters: the "trade mark" of The Lord's love for each of us are the Tender Mercies He showers upon us according to our obedience.

Elder David A. Bednar from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains tender mercies in this video: The Tender Mercies of The Lord

I just want to testify that The Tender Mercies of the Lord are real. They are usually very simple and sweet ways of Heavenly Father telling us that He is still there- and He is watching out for us and He loves us deeply. I testify we are not alone and we are not forgotten. He is with us. What are you doing to show Him you are thankful for His love through His Tender Mercies? Write them down, hold them dear, and be someone's tender mercy today. Smile, be kinder, and let Heavenly Father use you to be a tender mercy in the life of His children. I know this is true. Remember: sometimes our tender mercies come as blessing in raindrops, healing through tears, and a thousand sleepless nights is what it could take to know He is near. Trials in this life are our mercies in disguise. What are you doing to seek them and hold them dear? Open your eyes and heart to His love, He won't stand in front of you yelling and flashing signs for your attention. They will come as simple, small, quiet acts of love. Don't take them for granted. They will get you through some of the hardest times. He loves you more than you know. Of this I testify,
In our Savior's Holy name,


ps. I love this song: and thought you would enjoy it too. (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to put it on here other than using YouTube.) Blessings- By: Laura Story

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Thank you so much. It was just what I needed!