Sunday, October 4, 2015

Conference Recap!

Conference is just for YOU! 
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This past weekend was General Conference for The LDS Church. I want to make this short because conference is already an 10-12 hour commitment of listening to the voice of the Lord, and I know how exhausting it can be to take it all in. So today I am simply going to share a link to the conference talk summaries (which will have a link to the whole talk as well), and also I will share my testimony.

Conference was truly amazing. As I write this, it is in between the morning and afternoon of Sunday Sessions, but I know that the last and final session will be just as uplifting and inspiring. I have learned so much and I cannot wait to make the needed changes in my life to be a better disciple of Christ. This semi-annual conference held a lot of meaning for the Women of the church as 2 talks were specifically for them, and a lot of other talks mentioned them more than once. There was also a lot about discipleship and how to draw nearer to the Savior and His teachings. We were instructed about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and how important the Sacrament is each week. We must strive to make and keep and renew our covenants with God. We were encouraged to strive to let the Light Of Christ shine through our actions, words, and deeds. We need to set the example in an ever diminishing world. I know that we have a true and living Prophet, Prophet Thomas S. Monson living on the earth today. He holds all the keys of this dispensation and leads and guides the Lord's church today. I know that the apostles called and sustained are chosen by God. God is the head of this church. He lives and He still speaks to us today. He loves us. We need to heed His words given through our prophets and apostles today. This weekend is our most recent scripture given by God and we need to treat as so. The words spoken are true, I have prayed and found that for myself, and we need to follow the council given. I urge you to do what you can to make the needed changes in your life to be a better disciple of Christ. Seek the Savior's divine help and He will never let you down. Make your way His way and you will be eternally blessed. Of this I testify, In the holy sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen


click here to see the summaries of the talks! Here

1 comment:

Shauna said...

What an awesome summary of this weekend!