Sunday, October 11, 2015

For You

He is There for you.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I was not planning on sharing this- I know I have before: but the Spirit has told me that I need to be sharing this today instead of my pre-prepared post. I feel I need to keep this short and sweet and just let the Spirit testify.

I just want to share my testimony that I know that we all have hard times. I know that we all struggle. We all have bad days. This week I have had quite a few "bad days"- some days where I just felt I was going to turn my back on the Savior because I felt I wasn't getting answers quick enough, and things weren't working out anymore. I was done. I had had it. Then I went to institute. I had been to two of my classes already and it was my hour break before my final class. I was debating if I should just go home. I felt useless; I just wanted to cry. As I sat there having my inner battle of if I should go home or not, my teacher came into the class room. I decided I'd stay: just because I didn't want to offend my teacher. Well that lesson he taught was just what I needed. He shared about the Savior's life and how He has done so much more for us than just the Atonement. We were encouraged to think about things He had done for us and ways He had shown His infinite love for us. Our main focus was: "What does your reaction to hardships say to The Savior?" We were encouraged to look for the Lord's Tender Mercies and react differently. Then, after a very heart felt story was shared, the teacher closed with this song: "I Am" by Nichole Nordeman.

Before I share the link for the song I just want each of you to know this: The Savior LIVES. He loves you and He knows every one of your struggles, heartaches, pains, afflictions, adversities, desires, joys, everything. He knows it all: and He knows it all perfectly. You are not alone. He is always there. He will answer "I am" to every desperate, quiet, pleading call from you; His precious child. He will comfort you. He is your creator, life-sustainer, comforter, healer, best friend, superhero, heartache healer, secret keeper, Redeemer, everything. He is everything for you. Never doubt that. I know it's not easy. I know life is difficult and we all have our days, moments, hours: but please remember: you are His child and you mean everything to Him. He will always be whatever you need Him to be perfectly and personally for YOU. No matter what time, no matter where. He loves you, of this I bear my solemn personal witness and testify in the name of Jesus Christ,

"I Am" By Nichole Nordeman



Shauna said...

I think you wrote this just for me! Thank You! It is awesome!!

jjlove said...

I love your posts. Thanks for the reminder of knowing that we all have bad days, etc and knowing the Savior is there for us is def the way we make it through. Your a shining example to me and I appreciate your great posts and the thought you put into them and sharing.