Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Lord Knows Us Personally

*Sister Missionary*
Dear Family and Friends,

I have a very exciting announcement I wish to share with you all! It goes like this:

"Dear Sister Stout,
You are hereby called as a missionary for the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. You have been assigned to labor in the OHIO CLEVELAND MISSION!!!!! You will report to the Provo Utah Missionary Training Center on JANUARY 6, 2016! You will prepare to teach the gospel in the ENGLISH language."

Words cannot express my deep gratitude towards the Savior and our Loving Heavenly Parents for having me go to this special mission. Amazing things in LDS church history have happened in my mission. The historic Kirtland Ohio is in my mission. So many miraculous things took place here. The power to be sealed for time and all eternity inside holy LDS temples was restored here, more than half of the Doctrine and Covenants was received here, the first LDS temple was built here, the Newl K. Whitney Store is there (where the school of the prophets took place and the Savior visited), The vision of the three degrees of glory was given here, and so much more! So many things that have deepened and strengthened my testimony took place here- in my mission!!! The Lord knew, even though I wouldn't say it out loud, that I wanted more than anything to go to a place like this. This is the biggest blessing! And also I didn't want to wait too long, and I wanted to speak English. (I leave 10 days after my availability date- that is super fast!!)

I can truly testify that the Lord truly does know each and every one of us very personally. He knows our deepest thoughts, desires, hopes, and dreams. He knows everything. There is not a hair on your head He isn't aware of. We have Heavenly Parents and a loving big Brother who gave His life for us so that we may be forgiven of our wrongs and return to live with Them again.

I know that this is true. I testify that Our Heavenly Mother and Father live, we are their children and they know and love each of us unconditionally. I testify that our Savior, Jesus Christ came to earth, He lived, and died for us, and He is resurrected and lives again. I know these things are true. The Atonement is real. The power it holds is truly miraculous; through its power we can be clean and forgiven every single time we repent. I know the power of the Priesthood has been restored to the earth. I know that its power is real and it comes from Christ. I know that Joseph Smith really did kneel in the Sacred Grove, he did in fact see the Father and Son, he translated the Book Of Mormon, The Book Of Mormon is true and brings us closer to God than any other book. I know that we have a living Prophet today. I know he leads and guides the Church as directed by God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

I bear you my witness,
In the name of Jesus Christ,


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