Sunday, October 18, 2015


What's Your Reaction??
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This week's message brought me to tears as I prepared, prayed and searched for something to share- this video really "hit home" with all the life changes that have happened in that last few months and the major ones that are coming starting tomorrow night with my mission call opening.

As I shared last week- The Savior is everything you need Him to be, and this message branches off of that.
In that same institute lesson I was talking about last week, we talked about "reactions." The question given to the class was: "How do you react to the good and bad things in your life?" And ever since that lesson I have been thinking a lot about how my reaction to life effects me, my family, and my friends; and also about how my reaction sends a message to those around me: a message given specifically for my Savior. This life was given to me by my dear Heavenly Father, and my reaction to the things He placed in my life- my plan- are my message to Him. My message of love, trust, obedience, willingness, growth, thankfulness, etc. What kind of a message am I sending Him?

As I have been thinking about this, and as I prayed to know what to share today: I came across this video; which I wasn't going to share but after watching, I knew I had too. This video goes through the stages of life of a boy and different trials he faced and how he reacted. The dialogue is between this boy and his father- on what seems to be phone calls. I encourage you, as you watch this video to think about the "phone conversations" (or prayers) you have with your Father, and what things He might be saying to you if He were sitting there by you.

I want to encourage you to think about how you react to things that are happening to you, and what your Father in Heaven might say to you. Treat your prayers like a phone conversation and pause here and there and wait for the Spirit to answer you. I promise you will get more out of your conversations with Him if you do this. Listen- He will answer you.

I also want to encourage you to think about the message you are sending Him. Your reaction to life's problems and challenges tell Him most about you. I believe that when we are hit with hard things our true colors shine, and the "real me" comes out. Who is your "real me? And what does Heavenly Father think of him/her?"

I encourage you- in your interactions with others, whether it be family, children, co-workers, leaders, Heavenly Parents, etc. to do what The Savior would have you do. Encourage others to do the same, and observe the difference it makes in you home, family, and life. The Spirit will abide and you will be able to more fully do His will.

I know these things are true. I know that Heavenly Father will help us change our reactions to be pleasing unto Him if they are not already. We are not perfect- but because of Christ we can keep trying and someday we will be made perfect in Christ. I know this true and of this I bear witness.
In the name of Jesus Christ,


Click here to watch the video.

1 comment:

jjlove said...

Great video. We can all be more patient and kind even when faced with challenges. Thanks for sharing!