Sunday, November 8, 2015

If Necessary Use Words

You are the Message!!
Dear Family and Friends,

This week I wanted to share a message about being the message. During one of my mission preparation classes this week we talked a lot about the saying: "Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words." What does this mean to you?

In Sacrament meeting today one of my friends talked. He reminded me once again of a lesson that he shared with us in another mission preparation class a few months ago. He always told us: "You are the message!"

Looking through the web page tonight deciding what to share I found a video called: "The Lost Purse." I've seen this video before but after having these lessons this week, I thought about it differently. Not only do the items in this purse tell about her, but because of the items in her purse, her actions tell you who she really is; bringing me back to the statements: "Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words." and "You are the message." Ask yourself "What am I doing to preach the gospel at all times and how am I being the message?"

I just want to testify that I know that actions speak much louder than our words.** I know that when you let others know you care about them first- they are more likely to respond when you want to teach them something. Living your faith is much different than just teaching your faith. I want to challenge each of you to LIVE your faith in a way that people can tell you are different, in a way that they can see the light in your eyes. Live your testimony! I know that if you can do this, you will change lives. People will want to be like you and with continued good influence, you can change their life and they can be like you. Remember: your testimony should never "go on vacation", in fact- that's when you should be on your best game to be a good example and live your testimony. Remember, people are always watching you.

I want to leave you with this, my testimony, that I know that our actions, our examples, speak louder than what we say. The way we act will forever leave impressions on those watching us. What impression will you leave? Would Heavenly Father be proud of that?
I know that He lives and He loves each of us and knows us. He will help us to make our actions pleasing unto Him always- no matter where we are or who we are with. Be willing to change.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

** These are lyrics from a song called: "Show them" my Maddie Wilson Click here to listen!

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