Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Priesthood Blesses My Life

Your situation matters to Him. 

Dear Family and Friends,

This week was a rather busy one for me. I have been helping some of my great friends to take care of their kids while they were out of town. Well, this week I have also been feeling the pressures of the world with friends and family and trying to prepare to enter the temple and go on a mission. I have been feeling very overwhelmed with everything going on lately- and right in the midst of my crazy busy week right when I was feeling like I was about to drown in things to do: I had some immunizations for my mission and came down with the flu. Thinking I could just sleep it off I went home early and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and wanted to get ready for the day- but my body had other plans. As I went to get ready I could suddenly feel myself blacking out. I yelled for my mom and before I knew it I thought I was dreaming- but the next instant there was a cold wash cloth on my face, my body was tingling and I heard my mom talking to me asking me to respond to her. I realized I had passed out- and according to my mom, I had hit my head too, maybe causing a concussion. As soon as I could I asked my mom to call someone to give me a blessing. She ran and got the phone and called my dad home from work. As soon as my dad heard what was going on, he left work to come home and help me. By the time he got home I was able to crawl across the hall to my bedroom so I could lay down. After we had gotten me back into bed my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. In the blessing he not only asked Heavenly Father to help me get better, but he also reassured me that Heavenly Father is aware of me and my challenges. He also let me know that Heavenly Father is proud of my choices to go on a mission and that He needs me out there and that with His help I can do it. It was a beautiful blessing- one that I'm sure I'll never forget- not only for its healing power(I got better quickly and didn't have a concussion!) but also because it reconfirmed to me the power of the priesthood. My parents knew that I was feeling overwhelmed, but only Heavenly Father knew exactly why, and that was addressed in the blessing from my dad- reminding me that the blessing wasn't from my earthy dad, but my Heavenly Dad and that my earthy dad acts as His mouthpiece when he acts worthily in his calling as a priesthood holder.

I just want to bear my witness to you that I know that the power of the Priesthood is real and it has been restored to the earth today. I know and testify that Joseph Smith restored that power back to earth. I know that without a shadow of a doubt. And when things get hard and sometimes I question my own testimony- I always remind myself to trust my Heavenly Dad- because He knows all- just as this experience reminded me. He truly knows each of us personally, He cares about us and He loves us more than we know. I know these things are true.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,

* Here is a video about the blessings of the Priesthood if you'd like to watch it click here.
Anyone can receive a priesthood blessing if they ask a worthy and willing priesthood holder to give them one. Also- blessings are reliant on your faith in Heavenly Father to answer you and your plea for His help.

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